18. Internationales SkillsLab Symposium 2024
21.03. - 23.03.2024, Krems, Austria
The team of the 18th International Skills Lab Symposium (iSLS 2024) is pleased to provide you with the conference materials.
Under the patronage of the committees of the Society for Medical Education (GMA) for Practical Skills (AFP) and for Simulation Persons (ASP), the iSLS 2024 took place in March 2024 under the theme “Longitudinal Integration of Skills/Simulations into Education”. In the university town of Krems, 150 participants gathered to exchange ideas about current trends, established practices, and future innovations or challenges.
After two presymposia on March 21, 2024 (“Training Methods for Simulation Persons” in person as well as “Personnel Management in the SP Program” online), the symposium opened on March 22, 2024, with the keynote by Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag.a Dr.in Michaela Wagner-Menghin from the Medical University of Vienna (MUW) under the title “Feedback and Feedforward for Longitudinal Skills Development”. The further program was divided into seven lecture blocks (Digital Teaching & Use of 3D Models; Skill Training: Sonography & Emergency Room; Testing & Feedback; Interprofessionalism; Students & Assistants in the Skills Lab; Experiences & Competencies in Teaching and Testing Practical Skills; Simulation Training), four poster presentation blocks (Skills & Didactics; Skills & Needs; Interprofessionalism & Teaching with Simulation Persons; Digital Teaching), as well as 12 academic workshops and 5 industry workshops. Research results were discussed, projects were presented, and there was a lot of hands-on practice and training. The scientific program was accompanied by a social evening, which will probably remain a joyful memory due to the Heurigen culture and the subsequent clubbing.
A heartfelt thank you goes to the GMA, or rather the two mentioned committees, all participants at iSLS 2024, especially all those who submitted and presented their own contributions, and the chairs of the individual symposium sections. Further thanks go to the sponsors, exhibitors, and workshop providers from the industry. Special thanks are especially due to the local organization team, which made this symposium in Krems possible with a lot of effort and trouble, whether visible or often invisible.
We hope that the contributions collected in this abstract publication of iSLS 2024 will encourage reflection, rereading of possibly missed parts of the symposium, and also provide ideas for future research and development.
Michael Schmidts & Manfred Wieser
Scientific Program
- Keynote
- V1: Digitale Lehre und Einsatz 3D-Modelle
- V2: Skillstraining: Sonografie und Notaufnahme
- V3: Prüfen und Feedback
- V4: Interprofessionalismus
- V5: Studierende und Assistent:innen im Skills Lab
- V6: Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen beim Lehren und Prüfen praktischer Fertigkeiten
- V7: Simulationstraining
- Workshops
- P1: Skills und Didaktik
- P2: Skills und Needs
- P3: Interprofessionalismus und Lehre mit Simulationspersonen
- P4: Digitale Lehre
- Präsymposien