Online publication service for meeting contributions
- Advantages of a meeting publication wirh German Medical Science
- Some advice on the publication procedure
- GMS author's contract for meetings
Advantages of a meeting publication with German Medical Science
A quick publicaton of your meeting contributions promotes communication and collaboration among researchers and helps to avoid an overlapping of the results.
Main advantages:
- More attention and observation for the conference via worldwide open access.
- Each contribution gets its own citeable record and persistent identifiers (DOI/URN).
- An explicit addressing enables quick and easy access to any contribution.
- Quick and convenient search features are available.
Furthermore, we offer to compile a complete file with all the contributions to be used e.g. to create an abstract book.
Some advice on the publication procedure
If you want to publish the contributions of your meeting, please provide the following data:
- Contact details (name, address, telephone and mail address)
- Title, date and location of the meeting
- Number of contributions expected
- Estimated submission date
- Desired publication date
The conference organizer as editor ensures that the copyright conditions allow for an open access publication under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution License International CC BY 4.0 ( For this pupose the authors may close the GMS author's contract for meetings. The contributions will be published as submitted after acceptance by the editor. The editorial staff of German Medical Science will neither edit nor proof-read the material.
When the publication is online, we kindly request linkage from the meeting website to the portal German Medical Science or directly to the meeting publication (overview: resp.
For further information or for requesting a publication offer for your meeting please send a mail to the editorial office of German Medical Science.
GMS author's contract for meetings
By submission of your abstract you agree that the abstract will be published online under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( on the open access publication portal German Medical Science. By the use of this license, copyright remains completely with the authors. Only a one-time right for open access publication is transferred to German Medical Science.
Responsibility for clearance of any third party copyright on any material included in the abstract is with the authors. Please also note that after acceptance by the editor your abstract will be published as originally submitted, i.e. no proofreading by the authors prior to publication will be possible. The publication does not entitle the authors to claim any remuneration.