gms | German Medical Science

information platform

Germany, Land of Ideas

Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (DINI, German Initiative for Network Information)

Start a new journal

Are you convinced of the idea of supplying the internet with high-quality scientific information? Do you want to team up with colleagues to start up your own Open Access Journal and run it under the umbrella of the portal German Medical Science?
The following steps are essential in order to start up your own journal.

Determining a consensus with the authors' rights politics and licence terms of German Medical Science

Each e-journal published under the umbrella of the portal German Medical Science has to correspond with the authors' rights politics and the licence terms (Terms and Conditions) of the portal German Medical Science: Neither the portal German Medical Science nor the individual journals hold all the rights on the manuscripts; as many rights as possible remain with the author.

Determining the focal point and the target group

The journal's editiorial board is solely responsible for the terms of publication and the content of the journal. Certainly the editorial staff of the portal German Medical Science can offer wide support, especially during the starting phase, however, this is merely takeoff assistance and nothing permanent.

Nomination of Editorial Board and Editor-in-Chief

The editor-in-chief and the Editorial Board characterize the success of the new journal. It's true that almost all administrative proceedings connected with the handling and editing of an e-journal can be automated, still the Editorial Board and the editor-in-chief are solely responsible for the high-quality scientific contents.

Peer review process

The peer review in the manuscript operating system of the portal German Medical Science is currently based on the single-blind method. In principle, however, the implementation of other forms of peer review (double blind, open, with & without preprints) is possible.

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