February 3, 2023
Call for manuscript submissions for the special issue of the GMS Journal for Medical Education on 'Postgraduate Medical Education in Transition'
Dear colleagues,
The GMA Committee for Postgraduate Medical Education is planning a special issue on "Postgraduate Medical Education in Transition".
The focus will be on the postgraduate phase of education during specialist training (i.e. residency or graduate medical education or foundation/specialty training, respectively).
The aim of the special issue is to initiate the discussion about current challenges of postgraduate medical education and to give an impulse for the development of new strategies to further develop postgraduate medical education in the German-speaking countries.
We are looking for contributions especially on innovative concepts, theories, teaching formats, or training programs in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. International contributions and contributions from other health care professions that relate to the topic of this special issue are also welcome. All formats allowed by the journal can be submitted, explicitly needs analyses and project reports.
The deadline for submission of manuscripts for the special issue is September 30th, 2023.
Manuscripts can be submitted either via MOPS (Manuscript Operating System, or via e-mail to the editorial office ( When submitting, please indicate that it is a contribution to the special issue "Postgraduate Medical Education in Transition". Please follow the author guidelines (
All manuscripts will undergo the regular review process, will be reviewed by at least two external, independent reviewers, and will be edited by the editors of the special issue. The final decision on the publication of each article is up to the journal’s editorial board.
Articles that are received or revised after the submission deadline or that the editors feel are thematically out of context and thus may not appear in the special issue may be published with the regular publication process in a subsequent issue of GMS Journal for Medical Education.
We look forward to receiving your contributions.
Yours sincerely, on behalf of the GMA Committee for Postgraduate Medical Education
Folkert Fehr, Sigrid Harendza, Eva Hennel, Marjo Wijnen-Meijer
Editors of the special issue "Postgraduate Medical Education in Transition"