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Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (DINI, German Initiative for Network Information)


September 17, 2021
Call for Manuscript Contributions for the Special Issue "Planetary Health and Climate Medicine" of the GMS Journal for Medical Education

According to the "Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change" [1], the future health status of our world population essentially depends on the development of man-made global warming [2] or the countermeasures.

Although the Paris Climate Agreement envisages a limitation of global warming to well below 2°C, preferably 1.5°C, and thus a massive reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, an despite initial successes [3], political efforts worldwide and in Germany [ accessed on 11.08.2020] can currently be described as absolutely insufficient.

The current extreme weather events such as bush fires, heavy rain, floods, heat waves and tornadoes reflect the fact that the current climatic changes follow those of a high-risk scenario [4].

The healthcare sector and its employees play a central role in combating the climate crisis:

The special issue "Planetary Health and Climate Medicine" is intended to provide an overview of national and international initiatives on planetary health. We are looking for articles (original works, project reports, reviews, practical or field reports) on the topic of "Planetary Health and Climate Medicine", which e.g.

The following deadlines are binding in order to enable a timely realisation of the special issue:

Manuscripts can either be submitted via MOPS (Manuscript Operating System) or sent as a Word file directly to the editorial office For all article types, please also consider the author guidelines of GMS Journal for Medical Education for this theme issue and be sure to note in the submission that it is a contribution to the theme issue "Planetary Health and Climate Medicine".

All articles will undergo a regular review process with at least two external independent reviewers each and will be edited by the three editors of the theme issue. The final decision on publication generally rests with the journal's editorial board (Prof. Dr. Martin Fischer and Dr. Götz Fabry).

Contributions that reach us after the deadlines but have been revised and therefore may not appear in the thematic issue, may then be published in one of the following issues of the journal.
We look forward to your qualified contributions!

With best regards
Christoph Nikendei, Susanne Kühl, Till J. Bugaj

  1. Watts N, Amann M, Arnell N, Ayeb-Karlsson S, Belesova K, et al. The 2019 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: ensuring that the health of a child born today is not defined by a changing climate. Lancet. 2019;394(10211):1836-1878. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32596-6
  2. Hagedorn G, Kalmus P, Mann M, Vicca S, Van den Berge J, et al. Concerns of young protesters are justified Science. 2019;364(6436):139-140. DOI: 10.1126/science.aax3807C
  3. Figueres C, Le Quéré A, Mahindra O, Bäte G, Whiteman G, et al. Emissions Are Still Rising: Ramp Up the Cuts. Nature. 2018;564(7734):27-30. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-018-07585-6
  4. Schwalm CR, Glendon S, Duffy PB. RCP8.5 tracks cumulative CO2 emissions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020;117(33):19656-19657. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2007117117
  5. Malik A, Lenzen M, McAlister S, McGain F. The carbon footprint of Australian health care. Lancet Planet Health. 2018;2(1):e27-e35. DOI: 10.1016/S2542-5196(17)30180-8
  6. Wu R. The carbon footprint of the Chinese health-care system: an environmentally extended input–output and structural path analysis study. Lancet Planet Health. 2019;3(10):e413-e419. DOI: 10.1016/S2542-5196(19)30192-5