German Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (DKOU 2021)
26. - 29.10.2021, Berlin
AB51 Digitalisierung
Meeting Abstract
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Data-driven approach to predict non-responders of non-unions in fracture healing using artificial intelligence models
Reumann MK, Jazewitsch J, Histing T, Nüssler AK[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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A novel web-based solution for an unbiased analysis and evaluation of scientific images
Schippers P, Rösch G, Sohn R, Holzapfel M, Junker M, Jenei-Lanzl Z, Zaucke F, Meurer A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Wearables zur Objektivierung der postoperativen Mobilität in der O&U?
Zaccaria R, Keppler AM, Böcker W, Neuerburg C, Schniepp R, Kammerlander C, Fürmetz J[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Open access redefined: Survey data and literature review on the impact of Sci-Hub in orthopedic research
Gathen M, Cucchi D, Jansen T, Jaenisch M, Kabir K, Randau T[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Ist die medizinische Online-Informationsbeschaffung orthopädischer Patienten abhängig von Alter oder Schulabschluss?
Graul I, Back DA, Wildemann B, Matziolis G, Hertling SF[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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IBM WATSON Health Trauma Pathway Explorer outperforms the TRISS score to predict early death after polytrauma
Niggli C, Pape HC, Niggli P, Mica L[Full Text]