gms | German Medical Science

34. Kongress der Deutschen Kontinenz Gesellschaft

Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft e. V.

03.11. - 04.11.2023, Leipzig

Deszensus aller Kompartimente

Meeting Abstract (20)

Das SRS-Implant-Netz – ein neuer Ansatz in der Therapie von Beckenbodendefekten im vorderen und mittleren Kompartiment

Mengel M
Meeting Abstract (21)

Langzeit Follow-up von 258 Patientinnen nach laparoskopischer, Roboter-assistierter (DaVinci) Sakrokolpopexie. Single Center Studie

Hofmann PC, Hoppe K, Buse S
Meeting Abstract (22)

Level I Difference with and without Prior Hysterectomy: Findings in prolapse and normal support

Cheng W, Hübner M, Albers N, DeLancey J
Meeting Abstract (23)

Laparoscopic sacrocolporectopexy – an option to correct concomitant pelvic organ- and rectal-prolapse. A surgical video

Bousouni E, Sarlos D
Meeting Abstract (24)

Re-sacrocolpopexy – an option to correct recurrence after sacrocolpopexy. A surgical video

Bousouni E, Sarlos D
Meeting Abstract (25)

Sacrouterine Kolpofixation per v-NOTES im Rahmen der vaginalen Deszensuschirurgie

Brosche T, Elßner F, Schnabel J
Meeting Abstract (26)

Non-titanized polypropylene meshes induce an immune response in vivo and in vitro after covering with fibroblasts in opposite to titanized meshes

Pauli F, Protsepko O, Kuhn C, Voissard P, Maccagno A, Dannecker C, Jeschke U, Garrido F