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Germany, Land of Ideas

Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (DINI, German Initiative for Network Information)


May 11, 2022
28th Annual Congress of Deutsche Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Außerklinische Beatmung (DIGAB) e.V. (German Interdisciplinary Society for Home-Mechanical Ventilation): Abstracts published with GMS

This year’s DIGAB congress takes place in Kassel from 19th to 21th May 2022 together with the 15th symposium of the Intensive Care and Mechanical Ventilation Assembly of the German Respiratory Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e.V., DGP).

The congress will focus on current professional interests, health structures as well as hot topics in science regarding mechanical ventilation in and outside the hospital. The congress is platform for interdisciplinary interaction of the related professions.

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