gms | German Medical Science

64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC) e. V.

26. - 29. Mai 2013, Düsseldorf

Analysis of intraoperative aneurysm rupture in patients undergoing surgery for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

Meeting Abstract

  • Jan-Karl Burkhardt - Klinik für Neurochirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz
  • Marian C. Neidert - Klinik für Neurochirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz
  • Luca Regli - Klinik für Neurochirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz
  • Oliver Bozinov - Klinik für Neurochirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie. 64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC). Düsseldorf, 26.-29.05.2013. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2013. DocMI.12.01

doi: 10.3205/13dgnc375, urn:nbn:de:0183-13dgnc3756

Veröffentlicht: 21. Mai 2013

© 2013 Burkhardt et al.
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Objective: To assess risk factors for intraoperative aneurysm rupture (ioAR) during surgical clipping after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).

Method: Between January 2008 and October 2012 one hundred patients underwent surgical clipping after suffering SAH at our institution and data were evaluated retrospectively. Demographic data as well as aneurysm location, timing of surgery, preoperative severity grades (Hunt and Hess, Fisher, WFNS), and presence of intraparenchymal hemorrhage (ICH) on preoperative CT scans were analyzed. Surgical technique was reviewed using intraoperative video tapes.

Results: Out of 100 patients (38 m, 62 f) with a median age of 56.78 years (23 - 85) ioAR occurred in 34 cases (34%). Severe cases were overrepresented in our series: 56 patients had a Fisher grade of 4 and 36 had a Fisher grade of 3. When comparing the group of unruptured cases (n=66) to the group with ioAR (n=34), severity grades were significantly higher in the ruptured group (Fisher p=0.001; Hunt and Hess p=0.001; WFNS=0.023) and ICH was associated with intraoperative rupture (p=0.002). In 27 of the ioAR cases (79.41%) patients had a Fisher grade of 4. No significant differences were seen regarding age, sex, aneurysm location and timing of surgery.

Conclusions: ICH and a Fisher grade of 4 were significant preoperative risk factors of ioAR. There was no significant association between intraoperative rupture and timing of surgery.