3rd Annual Conference of the Scientific Association of Creative Arts Therapies e.V.
Scientific Association of Creative Arts Therapies e.V. (WFKT)
20.09.2019, Heidelberg
Welcome to the congress publication of the 2019 WFKT conference in Heidelberg (Scientific Association of Creative Arts Therapies, Germany):
“Creative Arts Therapies are effective – but how?”: The state-of-the-art therapeutic factors research in creative arts therapies
This was the challenging motto of the annual and specialist conference of the Scientific Association of Creative Arts Therapies (WFKT) on September 20th, 2019.
The conference took place at SRH University Heidelberg in connection with the 40th anniversary celebration of academic music therapy in Germany, and the German Association for Music Therapy (DGMT).
The program included numerous state-of-the-art lectures on therapeutic mechanisms in the single arts therapies, followed by a poster session presenting current research findings.