64th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
26 - 29 May 2013, Düsseldorf
MO.15 Free topics: Miscellaneous
Meeting Abstract
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Qualified DRG-controlling makes a difference
Albert R, Proescholdt M, Schebesch KM, Brawanski A, Lange M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Detecting and influencing baroreceptor activity in the vagal nerve of the rat
Gierthmuehlen M, Cota O, Stieglitz T, Zentner J, Plachta D[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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A chronic animal model for the functional evaluation of a fully implantable μECoG-based brain-machine interfacing device
Gierthmuehlen M, Wang X, Freiman T, Haberstroh J, Rickert J, Schuettler M, Ball T[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Detection of DNA of bacterial biofilm in surgical sutures using polymerase chain reaction
Hong B, Winkel A, Ertl P, Vonberg RP, Krauss JK, Stiesch M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Optimization of the administration of perioperative antibiotics in a neurosurgical unit
Kantelhardt P, Tzanova I, de With K, Giese A, Kantelhardt S[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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A reciprocal metabolic switch between the pentose phosphate pathway and glycolysis is induced by hypoxia versus oxygenation
Kathagen A, Schulte A, Balcke G, Kuhl C, Günther H, Phillips H, Westphal M, Lamszus K[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Potato starch hemostasis in neurosurgery
Montibeller GR, Oertel J, Tschan CA[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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3D neuroepithelial tubes from murine ESC as a source for radial glia and spinal cord progenitors
Niesche M, Meinhard A, Kirsch M, Schackert G, Tanaka E[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Neurosurgical procedures and acetylsalicylic acid medication – is it safe to operate after careful preoperative patient selection and interdisciplinary consent?
Rathert J, Alhallak M, Rosahl S, Steinbrecher A, Klisch J, Lapp H, Gerlach R[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Pharmacodynamics of S-Ketamine in gyrencephalic spreading depolarizations
Santos E, Sanchez-Porras R, Schoell M, Zheng Z, Unterberg A, Sakowitz OW[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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The effect of mirror therapy on hemispatial neglect
Völzke V, Turek A, Mandrella W, Petershofer A, Breitkopf C, Wischnjak L[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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G-CSF and its possible regenerative effect on traumatic nerve lesion
Keiner D, von Pein H, Sommer C, Heimann A, Kempski O, Oertel J[Full Text]