gms | German Medical Science

Information Retrieval Meeting (IRM 2022)

10.06. - 11.06.2022, Köln


Digitalization and automation are currently much discussed topics. There is hardly an aspect of life for which a digital solution cannot be identified. Digitalization primarily means that individual processes and tasks are to be digitally supported, while automation means the independent and automatic execution of processes and tasks.

The systematic identification and retrieval of relevant studies and related documents is a pillar of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and thus the basis for systematic reviews and health technology assessment (HTA) reports. High methodological and practical demands are made for information retrieval and the daily work is greatly influenced by electronic data processing and software-based procedures.

The changes in working methods and the associated expectations through increasing digitalization and automation are considerable. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this development, especially with regard to virtual collaboration.

In information retrieval for systematic reviews and HTA reports, information specialists deal with these challenges in very different ways and organizations come up with different solutions. This can involve the use of comprehensive software solutions (e.g. complex systematic review management tools) or merely simple macros or online tools supporting the daily work.

During our meeting, we would like to discuss current developments and practical experiences with digitalization and automation in information retrieval. The aim is to inspire participants through a mix of lectures and workshops as well as other participatory formats and networking events.

We look forward to your contributions and an exciting programme!

It will be a pleasure to welcome you to Cologne on behalf of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care – IQWiG.

Dr. Siw Waffenschmidt
General Chair

Wissenschaftliches Programm