102. Jahrestagung der DOG
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e. V.
23. bis 26.09.2004, Berlin
Posterausstellung Samstag/Sonntag
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 111)
Transposition procedures for paralytic strabismus in children and adults
Vodicková K, Autrata R, Uncovská E, Lokaj M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 112)
Third-nerve palsy caused by primary leptomeningeal gliomatosis in a two-year-old child
Karp JS, Reichelt JA, Claviez A, Klöpper K, Jansen O, Wiestler OD, Roider J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 113)
A rare ophthalmologic manifestation in a patient with scleroderma “en coup de sabre”
Klink J, Girschick HJ, Klink T, Steffen H, Schrader W[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 115)
Classic form of congenital fibrosis syndrome associated with mental retardation
Pollack K, Müller-Holz M, Pillunat LE[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 116)
Complications in infants undergoing surgery for congenital cataract in the first 18 months of life
Kuhli C, Lüchtenberg M, Koch F, Kohnen T, Hattenbach LO[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 117)
Cyclic strabismus with pain after strabismus surgery
Charbel Issa P, Steffen H[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 119)
Slowly growing meningioma of the tentorium cerebelli
Kunze S, Kurumer HB, Hügens-Penzel M, Gräf M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 120)
Eye abnormalities as a first presentation of Dandy-Walker syndrome
Gotz-Wieckowska A, Siwiec-Proscinska J, Siennicka A, Strzyzewski K[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 121)
Angiopoietin-2 increases the permeability-enhancing effect of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in retinal vascular endothelial cells
Peters S, Cree IA, Hykin PG, Moss SE[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 122)
Degeneration of cone photoreceptors in β2/β1 knock-in mice
Linke SJ, Matthiessen ET, Zolmajd BR, Schachner M, Richard G, Ruether K, Bartsch U[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 123)
Detection of mRNA expression of components of the fibrinolytic system in serum-free cultured porcine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells
Meyer MW, Depka M, Gockeln R, Schröder A, Rüfer F, Erb C[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 124)
Intrinsic choroidal neurons (ICN) in human
Schrödl F, Jünemann A, Bergua A, De Laet A, Timmermans JP, Tassignon MJ, Brehmer A, Neuhuber WL[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 125)
Ultrastructural preservation of epiretinal membranes after cryofixation and mild aldehyde fixation
Schumann R, Kampik A, Werner J, Rohleder M, Gandorfer A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 126)
L-type Ca2+ channels in the retinal pigment epithelium: differences in the expression pattern between ARPE-19 cells and RPE cells from patients with choroidal neovascularization
Wimmers S, Coeppicus L, Ehmer S, Strauß O[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 127)
Effects of Acetazolamide on the tone of the posterior ciliary arteries
Wagenfeld L, El-Zakzouk E, Galambos P, Matthiessen ET, Richard G, Klemm M, Zeitz O[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 128)
Influence of Hydroxyl radicals on the Ca2+-metabolism of the retinal pigment epithelium
Schlichting L, Strauß O, Zeitz O[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 129)
Degradation of the retinal pigment epithelium by oxidative stress: protective effects of Pyruvate
Zeitz O, Schlichting L, Richard G, Strauß O[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 130)
Serum activity of metalloproteinases in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy, branch retinal vein occlusion and idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy
Jaksche A, Golubnitschaja O, Moenkemann H, Karl SE, Yeghiazaryan K, Schild HH, Holz FG, Löffler KU[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 131)
Cystamine protects apoptosis of retinal pigment epithelium by inhibition of caspase-3
Hartmann K, Wolf A, Eibl K, Alge C, Priglinger S, Kampik A, Welge-Lüßen UC[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 132)
Inhibition of mesenchymal transdifferentiation of RPE cells by hepatocyte growth factor
Gamulescu MA, Jin M, He S, Spee C, Gabel VP, Ryan S, Hinton DR[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 133)
Retinal endothelial angiogenic activity
Yafai Y, Iandiev I, Wiedemann P, Reichenbach A, Eichler W[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 134)
The vascularization of an autologous-free RPE and choroid graft
Maaijwee KJM, Joussen AM, Kirchhof B, van Meurs JC[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 135)
Color-doppler imaging of retrobular vessels in nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
Kaup M, Plange N, Arend O, Remky A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 136)
Reproducibility of measuring the thickness of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer with optical coherence tomography and retinal thickness analyzer
Krist R, Hoffmann EM, Schwenn O[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 137)
Intra- and interobserver reproducibility of the Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA) in healthy eyes
Kramann C, Hoffmann EM, Krummenauer F, Grus FH, Pfeiffer N[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 138)
Fundus-controlled perimetry in the diagnostics of macular diseases
Rohrschneider K, Springer C, Bültmann S, Völcker HE[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 139)
Evidence-based study on the ocular changes in Usher’s syndrome and their connection to the pathology in ear, vestibular analyzer and brain
Vidinova C, Zahov V, Vidinov K[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 140)
Transport and accumulation of Lipofuscin fluorophore A2-E in RPE
Schütt F, Kämmerer E, Holz FG, Völcker HE, Kopitz J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 141)
Combination of cryotherapy and photocoagulation for the treatment of threshold retinopathy of prematurity
Senková K, Autrata R, Holouaová M, Rehurek J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 142)
Spontaneous regression of retinal angiomatous vascular changes in v.-Hippel-Lindau syndrome
Schmidt D, Neumann HPH[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 143)
Retinal angiomatous proliferation: a masquerade-syndrome?
Süsskind D, Gelisken F, Grisanti S, Spitzer M, Bartz-Schmidt KU[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 144)
Choroidal Neovascularisation associated with retinochoroidal coloboma
Spitzer M, Gelisken F, Grisanti S, Süsskind D, Bartz-Schmidt KU[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 145)
Iris neovasculasrization as a complication of central retinal artery occlusion
Schaefer S, Lang GE[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 146)
Combined central retinal artery and vein occlusions in homocysteinemia
Eckert S, Spraul CW, Lang GE[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 147)
Case report of a complex vascular abnormality with an angiomatosis retinae and a macroaneurysm in the macula
Schimitzek T, Hansen LL, Agostini HT[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 148)
Horseshoe-like macular tear secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion
Karim-Zoda K, Gelisken F, Grisanti S, Kolb M, Bartz-Schmidt KU[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 149)
OCT findings of a chronically central serous retinopathy (CSR) combined with a pigment-epithelium detachment (PED) pre and post selective-RPE-Laser-Treatment (SRT) – a case report
Klatt C, Bunse A, Elsner H, Pörksen E, Birngruber R, Roider J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 150)
Does presence of a cilioretinal artery protect against age-related macular degeneration?
Meister A, Dasch B, Behrens T, Fuhs A, Pauleikhoff D, Hense HW[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 151)
Multifocal electroretinogram in patients with Retinitis pigmentosa and annular fundus autofluorescence
Poloschek CM, Wegscheider E, Lorenz B[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 152)
Multifocal on- and off-responses after stimulation with a LED-screen in a patient with CSNB classified as complete Schubert-Bornschein type
Leifert D, Todorova M, Prünte C, Palmowski-Wolfe A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 153)
Multifocal on-off-ERG responses in a patient with melanoma-associated retinopathy (MAR)
Todorova M, Palmowski-Wolfe AM, Leifert D, Prünte C, Meyer P[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 154)
Diagnosis of acquired colour vision disturbances in patients with arterial hypertension
Schröder A, Ahrens M, Gockeln R, Meyer M, Erb C[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 155)
Aging process is accompanied by an increase of tissue transglutaminase in human retinal pigment epithelium
Schebitz-Walter K, Stoeckelhuber M, Wolf A, Priglinger S, Eibl K, Kampik A, Welge-Lüßen U[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 156)
Serum levels of macular carotenoids in relation to age-related maculopathy (ARM)
Dasch B, Wachter A, Behrens T, Fuhs A, Pauleikhoff D, Hense HW[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 157)
Influence of intravenous Immunglobulins on age-related macular degeneration
Ayertey HD, Hasanbasic Z, Walter P, Kirchhof B, Brunner R[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 158)
Intravitreal injection of Methotrexate for choroidal neovascularisations in age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Karl SE, Bindewald A, Roth F, Krohne TU, Eter N, Holz FG[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 159)
Exudative age-related macular degeneration in fluorescein angiograms and polarimetry
Weber A, Elsner AE, Cheney MC, Miura M, Salvetti P, Remky A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 160)
Fundus autofluorescence imaging of pigment epithelial detachments
Roth F, Bindewald A, Dolar-Szcasny J, Spital G, Mackiewicz J, Pauleikhoff D, Holz FG[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 161)
Computer-assisted automated analysis of digital cSLO fundus autofluorescence images in geographic atrophy due to AMD
Schmitz-Valckenberg S, Deckert A, Jorzik JJ, Bindewald A, Holz FG, Mansmann U, FAM-Study Group[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 162)
Multifocal ERG in age-related macular degeneration with choroideal neovascularization prior to and after photodynamic therapy
Gök M, Bornfeld N, Jurklies B[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 163)
Two Ni2+-sensitive components of the ERG-b-wave from the isolated bovine retina are related to R- and T-type voltage-gated Ca2+-channels
Lüke M, Henry M, Hescheler J, Schneider T, Sickel W[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 164)
Excimer-laser-assisted RPE sheet translocation (EST) following surgical excision of subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in AMD
Bindewald A, Specht H, Roth F, Holz FG[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 165)
Assessment of retinal funtion during treatment with Sildenafil
Becker R, Kirchner-Pauli E[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 166)
Interferon-associated optico and retinopathy
Kampik D, Kraus MR, Sold-Darseff JE, Guthoff R[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 167)
Retinal circulation and local application of Phenylephrin
Harazny J, Michelson G[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 168)
Effects of NOS inhibitor L-NMMA and ATII receptor antagonist Candesartan on retinal circulation in young hypertensive patients
Wärntges S, Harazny J, Delles C, Oehmer S, Schmieder RE, Michelson G[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 169)
Gene therapy leads to long-term improvement of retinal function in the heterozygous retinal-degeneration slow mouse (rds+/-)
Schlichtenbrede FC, Tschernutter M, Bainbridge JWB, Reichel MB, Wiedemann P, Ali RR[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 170)
Adult onset vitelliform macular dystrophy (AVMD)
Klosowska-Zawadka A, Bernardczyk-Meller J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 171)
Laser-scanning polarimetry and macular diseases
Streckfuß C, Jonas JB, Budde WM[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 172)
Bietti's crystalline retinopathy determined by cross-sectional optical coherent tomography
Müller C, Meyer CH, Mennel S[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 173)
Retinal detachment in brothers with X-linked retinoschisis
Tsiroukis E, Meier P, Wiedemann P[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 174)
The Norrie Disease Protein (NDP) is a growth factor for retinal neurons and capillaries in vivo
Ohlmann A, Scholz M, Flügel-Koch C, Ohlmann AV, Goldwich A, Tamm ER[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 175)
Fundus perimetry in the long-term follow-up of Stargardt's disease
Springer C, Bültmann S, Völcker HE, Rohrschneider K[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 176)
Alkylphosphocholines inhibit attachment, spreading and migration of human retinal pigment epithelial cells
Kook D, Welge-Lüßen U, Priglinger S, Ohlmann A, Kampik A, Eibl KH[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 177)
The effect of VEGF-C on secretion of VEGF-A of the RPE
Weißmann J, Ehmer S, Strauß O[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 179)
Immunohistological localisation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in human preretinal membranes
Thomas S, Dawczynski J, Königsdörffer E, Augsten R, Bramke S, Kasper M, Franke S, Stein G, Strobel J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 180)
Selective painting of preretinal structures with a new applicator in chromovitrectomy
Meyer CH, Rodrigues EB, Schmidt JC[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 181)
OCT documentation of a spontaneous closure of macular hole after unsuccessful peeling of the internal limiting membrane
Marquardt D, Horstmann C, Roider J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 182)
Variations in intraocular pressure (IOP) following intravitreal Triamcinolone injection
Dwinger MC, Eter N, Pieper I, Holz FG[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 183)
Measurement of Triamcinolone-acetonide concentration after filtering of preservative
Papoulis C, Spandau UHM, Derse M, Schmitz-Valckenberg P, Jonas JB[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 184)
Comparison of in-vitro studies on antimicrobial properties of endotamponade agents, silicone oil (SO) and perfluorohexyloctane (F6H8)
Mackiewicz J, Koziol-Montewka M, Kosior-Jarecka E, Szczepanik A, Wójtowicz M, Zagórski Z[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 185)
Classification of epiretinal membranes using optical coherence tomography
Hassenstein A, Scholz F, Richard G, Bubenheim M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 186)
Solar retinopathy as visual threatening side effect with intake of Hypericum perforatum
Lämmer R, Mardin CY[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 187)
Genetic and cytological characterization of retinoblastoma
Bártová E, Gajová H, Autrata R, Kozubek S[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 188)
The role of monocytes/macrophages (Mn/Mph) and natural cell killers (NK-cells) in prediction of efficacy of photocoagulation (PhC), brachytherapy (BT) and Interferon therapy (IFT) in patients with uveal melanoma (UM)
Maletskiy AP, Karlyuga IA[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 189)
Classification of the uveal melanoma patients using the cluster analysis
Vit VV, Bouiko AS, Dragomyretskaya EI[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 190)
Retrospective analysis of survival of patients with uveal melanoma in case of delayed enucleation
Bouiko AS, Vit VV, Dragomyretskaya EI[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 191)
Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy in relapsed MALT lymphoma of the conjunctiva
Wüstemeyer H, Nückel H, Dührsen U, Steuhl KP, Meller D[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 192)
Application of anti-CD20-antibody in the treatment of recurring conjunctival lymphoma
Wiehler U, Möhler T, Mechtersheimer G, Völcker HE, Dithmar S[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 193)
Orbital inflammation after penetrating injury by a needlefish beak
Wessely D, Uecker AS, Sold JE[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 194)
Piercing trauma of the orbit caused by jaw fragments of garfish (Belone belone)
Reichelt JA, Grütters G, Amm M, Roider J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 195)
Visual prognosis for posterior segment foreign bodies after vitrectomy
Krohne TU, Kirchhof B, Joussen AM[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 196)
Retrospective analysis of penetrating eye injuries on the basis of the "ocular trauma classification"
Höhn S, Zorn MMC, Spraul CW[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 197)
Sudden visual loss and anisocoria follwing blunt head trauma in a 9-year-old boy
Czaplicka EL, Rospond I, Pecold K[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 198)
Air-gun injury with localisation of the foreign body at the apex of the orbital cavity
Hefner L, Tegetmeyer H, Sterker I[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 199)
Ocular and orbital trauma caused by air-gun pellets
Nestler A, Meier P, Wiedemann P[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 201)
Diagnostic Pitfalls in a Case of Acute Retinal Necrosis after Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
Baatz H, Doerr HW, Buxbaum S, Rabenau HF, Preiser W[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 202)
Multifocal chorioretinitis and optic neuritis caused by Bartonella henselae
Droutsas K, Meyer CH, Mennel S[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 203)
Interferon alfa-2a
Deuter CME, Kötter I, Günaydin I, Zierhut M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 204)
Topical Ofloxacin prophylaxis and the selection of Fluoroquinolone-resistant conjunctival coagulase negative staphylococcus
Miño de Kaspar H, Kreutzer TC, He L, Nguyen EV, Blumenkranz MS, Ta CN[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 205)
Concentrations of Moxifloxacin in serum and human aqueous humor following a single 400mg oral dose
Walter S, Banditt P, Bode-Böger SM, Behrens-Baumann W[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 206)
Acute bilateral panuveitis caused by herpes-simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)
Marchiondi S, Kain HL, Meyer P[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 208)
ORSA-endopththalmitis and nasopharyngeal tumor
Krüger T, Frenkler JE, Seiberth V[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 209)
Etanercept in the treatment of chronic anterior uveitis in children
Zierhut M, Biester S, Michels H, Häfner R, Schlote T, Kümmerle-Deschner JB, Deuter CME[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 210)
Borrelia-associated crystalline keratopathy
Dietrich T, Geißdörfer W, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Hofmann-Rummelt C, Holbach L, Seitz B, Naumann GOH, Kruse FE[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 211)
Epidemiology of uveitis in children at the Interdisciplinary Uveitis Center Heidelberg
Heger T, Leuchtenberger M, Grulich-Henn J, Rogalski B, Becker MD[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 212)
Subgroup-analysis of the available literature about the effect of vitrectomy in uveitis on macular edema
Harsch N, Holz FG, Zierhut M, Becker MD[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 213)
Lipemia of the iris and retina in a baby with hyperlipoproteinemia
Büchner TF, Stupp T, Marquardt T, Busse H[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 214)
Fundus autofluorescence in carriers for choroideremia
Wegscheider E, Preising M, Wabbels B, Lorenz B[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 215)
Genes expressed in RPE/choroid show a lower expression in the macula than in the periphery of normal human eyes
Kociok N, Kirchhof B, Joussen AM[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 217)
Refractory scleritis in primary Sjögren syndrome
Nölle B, Ahmadi-Simab K, Lamprecht P, Gross WL[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 218)
Iris pigment epithelial cells hijack co stimulatory molecules to convert naïve T-cells into CTLA-4+, B7-expressing CD8+ regulators
Schwartzkopff J, Sugita S, Streilein JW[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 219)
Evidence-based ophthalmology and modern statistical analysis
Dragomiretskaya EI, Drozhyna GI[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(04dogP 220)
Retinal Vessel Analysis
Vilser W, Nagel E, Fink A, Kremmer S, Lanzl I[Volltext]