gms | German Medical Science

72. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC)
Joint Meeting mit der Polnischen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC) e. V.

06.06. - 09.06.2021

Vorträge Montag, 07.06.2021
Seltene Erkrankungen I/Rare diseases I

Meeting Abstract (V019)

Clinical value of early postoperative CT-angiography imaging after EC-IC bypass in patients with Moyamoya

Hurth H, Hauser TK, Haas P, Wang S, Ernemann U, Tatagiba M, Khan N, Roder C
Meeting Abstract (V020)

Longitudinal reproducibility of CO2-triggered BOLD MRI for the haemodynamic evaluation of patients with Moyamoya angiopathy

Roder C, Hauser TK, Hurth H, Wang S, Haas P, Ernemann U, Tatagiba M, Khan N
Meeting Abstract (V021)

Mini-craniectomy for EC-IC bypass – single-centre experience of 100 procedures on Moya-Moya patients

Li L, Diesner F, Krämer M, Ebner FH
Meeting Abstract (V022)

Quality of life in adult Moyamoya patients – preoperative assessment and correlation to MRI and H215O-PET findings

Haas P, Fudali M, Hurth H, Wang S, Tatagiba M, Khan N, Roder C
Meeting Abstract (V023)

Vessel wall contrast enhancement as sign of disease progression in Moyamoya disease

Wang S, Hurth H, Haas P, Bender B, Ernemann U, Tatagiba M, Kahn N, Roder C
Meeting Abstract (V024)

Cervicale intramedullary oedema plays a key role in patients with arteriovenous fistulas of the craniocervical junction

Pantel TF, Regelsberger J, Grzyska U, Westphal M, Dührsen L