TGF-beta 1 modulates the expression of VEGF and HGF in HNSCC
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Published: | July 8, 2008 |
Angiogenesis is a process crucial for growth and progression of malignant tumours. Blocking tumour-related Angiogenesis is therefore a promising new strategy for the so called "targeted therapy" of malignant diseases.
Besides of VEGF, HGF and IL8, TGFβ is one of the important factors, connected to both, the modulation of the angiogenic process and cancer development. Previous studies reported that TGFβ1 modulates the expression of HGF and VEGF in different tissues,however, there has been no report regarding head and neck cancer.
For examination of this possible mechanism for the angiogenic properties of TGFβ1, we used 3 different HNSCC-lines; UMSCC 11A, 22B and 14C, provided by tom Carey from the University of Michigan.
Expression of TGFβ1 has been genetically blocked by TGFβ1 antisense (AS) oligonukliotides. After 48h and 72h of incubation time, VEGF and HGF expression was measured, using standardised ELISA kits.
We were able to show that TGFβ1 AS modulates the expression of VEGF and HGF in the 3 cell lines.
Regarding VEGF, we detected a different response in each cell line: an increased expression of VEGF in UMSCC 11A, no significant modulation in UMSCC 22B and a reduction in 14C. The basal expression of VEGF was also strikingly different.
Regarding HGF, the expression was quite similar in all 3 cell lines, a strong initial enhancement of HGF expression was followed by a strong reduction of HGF after 72h of incubation. The basal expression was comparable in all 3 cell lines.
The results, which were all significant, show that TGFβ1 can modulate important factors, connected to tumour-angiogenesis, like VEGF and HGF, and could therefore be a target for further therapeutic strategies.