gms | German Medical Science

68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS)

17.09. - 21.09.23, Heilbronn

Welcome address

“Science. Close to People”  is the theme of the 68th GMDS Annual Conference which will take place in Heilbronn from 17 to 21 September, 2023. When the first ideas for an annual conference at Heilbronn University were developed in fall of 2019, no one even imagined the topicality and explosiveness this motto would gain over the past three years.

The corona pandemic affected daily life of all GMDS researchers both on an academic and social level. Epidemiology became a real personal matter. Academic life had to be re-organized, teaching, networking, and exchange moved to the virtual space - sometimes even at short notice. Physical distance was the new normal.

We are therefore even more thrilled that the annual conference can finally be held “close to people“ again in Heilbronn in 2023. Even though professional exchange is the driver of the meeting, the program also offers a variety of opportunities to meet and connect to the people behind the research in medical informatics, biometry, epidemiology and medical bioinformatics. Several GMDS divisions as well as the Presidium Commission for Young Scientists (Präsidiumskommission Nachwuchs) contribute to the program with their very own networking formats. Particularly noteworthy is the new format of the Summer School for (graduate) student members of the GMDS.

As vital as peer communication is for scientific life, outreach activities and comprehensible communication to citizens is becoming increasingly important as well. Thus, the conference theme not only stands for the research and science close to and for people that distinguishes GMDS; it is also to be understood as a call for more science communication – for everyone.