56. Kongress für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin (DEGAM)
15. - 17.09.2022, Greifswald
About this meeting
The 56th Congress of the German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians which is held from September 15th to September 17th in Greifswald, Germany.
The annual scientific congress of DEGAM has become the intellectual forum of general practice. It is the place where the successful transformation of general practice in Germany into a recognized scientific discipline, a core subject in studies and a backbone of care can be experienced. Visible expressions of this are its own guidelines and the prominent participation of general practitioners in interdisciplinary guidelines. The attitude towards guidelines has changed from unbeloved paternalism to a valued orientation aid in everyday practice. Translated into the practical work of general practitioners, this means, the tension between individualization and standardization must be resolved.
This is most likely to succeed with patient-centered approaches that conveys health knowledge and enable participatory decision making.
We offer keynote speakers from England, Sweden and Switzerland who will inspire us on how patient-centered medicine can remain the core of primary care in the future.
[We would like to apologize that most of the abstracts are only available in German.]