gms | German Medical Science

26. Jahrestagung der Regionalgesellschaft der Augenärzte Sachsen-Anhalts und Thüringens (SATh 26)

31.08. - 01.09.2018, Erfurt

Postoperative Endophthalmitis Treatment & Management: What? When?

Meeting Abstract

Suche in Medline nach

  • K. Almozawak - Nürnberg
  • M. Krause - Nürnberg
  • S. J. Fröhlich - Nürnberg

Regionalgesellschaft der Augenärzte Sachsen-Anhalts und Thüringens. 26. Jahrestagung der Regionalgesellschaft der Augenärzte Sachsen-Anhalts und Thüringens. Erfurt, 31.08.-01.09.2018. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2018. Doc18sath19

doi: 10.3205/18sath19, urn:nbn:de:0183-18sath194

Veröffentlicht: 3. September 2018

© 2018 Almozawak et al.
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Endophthalmitis is a serious complication of cataract surgery and many other ocular surgeries that every ophthalmic surgeon – and patient – strives to avoid. Use of intracameral cefuroxime at the end of surgery reduced the occurrence of postoperative endophthalmitis. Additional risk factors associated with endophthalmitis after cataract surgery included CCIs and the use of silicone IOLs. The diagnosis of postoperative endophthalmitis is considered a medical emergency requiring investigation and treatment within an hour of presentation, especially in severe cases. The EVS recommended performing a vitrectomy only in cases presenting with visual acuity of light perception (LP). However, with technical advances in vitrectomy, more recent retrospective series have shown better visual outcomes with broader use of a full vitrectomy in postoperative endophthalmitis cases, including those presenting with better than LP visual acuity.