Development of a web application for competence-oriented eLearning-tools
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Veröffentlicht: | 12. März 2015 |
Introduction: Currently the National competence-based Catalog of Learning targets (NKLM) is being developed. After its introduction it will represent a common reference point for the core curriculum of the medical education in Germany.
Based on the Canadian "CanMEDS" role model that represents the profession of a physician/doctor through different roles, roles are defined in as well in the NKLM consisting of competencies and learning objectives to medical knowledge, practical skills, professional attitude and medical action.
Modern eLearning instruments and tools are increasingly used in medical education and are often already integrated as an inherent part in the teaching.
How can competence-based eLearning tools be identified, visualized and documented as well as being collected in the form of "best practice"? The results should be published and made available for others.
Methods: In the competence network “medical education in Baden-Wuerttemberg” the eLearning instruments, which are preferentially used at the 5 related medical faculties, were reviewed according to the goals and objectives of the NKLM catalogue. On the basis of this review , a database-driven web application has been developed, which is used for managing the results and linking the collected Data to the appropriate roles and responsibilities in NKLM for further use.
Results/Discussion: The single eLearning courses can be individually filtered and sorted to obtain a detailed overview and find "best practice" examples to certain NKLM skills.
This possibility of specific needs analysis of eLearning services of the medical faculties was created to allow a quick overview. Faculties, lecturers, students as well as people, who are interested in eLearning all benefit from this transparency and collection of “best-practice” examples. Possible redundancies and gaps can be identified and related eLearning contents will at the best be developed in common.