Physical activity counselling for older people - experiences from Jyväskylä, Finland
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Veröffentlicht: | 18. Dezember 2006 |
This study examined the acceptability and opinions of older people about physical activity counselling that was delivered to them every three months for two years. The data presented here is from a randomized controlled trial called Screening and Counseling for Exercise and Mobility in Older People (SCAMOB, ISRCTN 07330512).
The study population comprised of 101 community-living older people who were able to move independently outdoors, cognitively intact, and aged 77-83-years. The study population was interviewed through telephone about the acceptability, and their opinions about physical activity counselling they had received. The interview questions were both open ended and structured.
The two most important things that came in to the study subjects minds about the physical activity counselling was that it is good that these things are being researched (24%) and that physical activity is important (21%). The most important thing in counselling itself was that someone told what kind of physical activities to do and how to do it (43%), and the motivation to be physically active (22%). The discussions with the counsellor in general were more often experienced as good (75%) as opposed to excellent or bad. Most of the study subjects felt that the telephone contacts every three months were within appropriate intervals (93%). A little over half of the older people felt that counselling had moderately encouraged them to be more physically active and their confidence in doing physical activities. Of those older people (n=48) who had health related problems that prevented them from being physically active, 27% perceived that the counselling had helped in managing with the problem.
Older people perceive physical activity counselling delivered by phone as an acceptable and potential means in motivating them to be physically active.