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10. Kongress für Infektionskrankheiten und Tropenmedizin (KIT 2010)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Infektiologie,
Deutsche AIDS-Gesellschaft,
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Internationale Gesundheit,
Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie

23.06. - 26.06.2010, Köln

Influenza A(H1N1)v and HIV: report of 8 (2010-02-08) cases of novel influenza in patients with HIV infection

Influenza A(H1N1)v und HIV: Bericht über 8 HIV-Patienten (bis zum 08.02.2010) mit neuer Influenza

Meeting Abstract

  • C. Traeder - Vivantes Auguste Viktoria Klinikum, Infektiologie, Berlin, Germany
  • M. Rittweger - Vivantes Auguste Viktoria Klinikum, Infektiologie, Berlin, Germany
  • H. Stocker - Vivantes Auguste Viktoria Klinikum, Infektiologie, Berlin, Germany
  • B. Goshtasb - Vivantes Auguste Viktoria Klinikum, Kardiologie/Intensivmedizin, Berlin, Germany
  • W. Hellenbrand - Robert-Koch-Institut, Berlin, Germany
  • B. Schweiger - Robert-Koch-Institut, Berlin, Germany
  • K. Arastéh - Vivantes Auguste Viktoria Klinikum, Infektiologie, Berlin, Germany

10. Kongress für Infektionskrankheiten und Tropenmedizin (KIT 2010). Köln, 23.-26.06.2010. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2010. DocP147

doi: 10.3205/10kit201, urn:nbn:de:0183-10kit2016

Veröffentlicht: 2. Juni 2010

© 2010 Traeder et al.
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We report cases of influenza A (H1N1)v infection in hospitalized HIV patients. In the area of Berlin ~ 15.000 men and women are infected with HIV. Most HIV patients needing hospital-based treatment in Berlin are admitted to the Auguste Viktoria Hospital, which is specialized in the treatment of HIV infection and its complications (850 - 950 in-patient annually). At the time of abstract submission 8 patients were diagnosed with Influenza A (H1N1)v by PCR performed on bronchoalveolar samples. In 7 cases pulmonary symptoms were the leading reason for admission, one patient under treatment of haemolytic anaemia apparently developed nosocomial infection with influenza A (H1N1)v. The first patient was detected in August 2009, the last end of January 2010. All 3 ventilated patients showed symptoms of ARDS with increased pulmonary permeability (measured by PICCO). One patient died from severe complications of intensive care, one patient survived with hypoxic brain damage, the other 6 recovered completely from H1N1.

(Table 1 [Tab. 1])