gms | German Medical Science

79. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e. V.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e. V.

30.04. - 04.05.2008, Bonn

Case-Allocation of salivary gland surgery within the German DRG-Systems 2004–2008.

Meeting Abstract

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German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. 79th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Bonn, 30.04.-04.05.2008. Düsseldorf, Köln: German Medical Science; 2008. Doc08hno02

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Veröffentlicht: 8. Juli 2008

© 2008 Franz et al.
Dieser Artikel ist ein Open Access-Artikel und steht unter den Creative Commons Lizenzbedingungen ( Er darf vervielfältigt, verbreitet und öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden, vorausgesetzt dass Autor und Quelle genannt werden.



Background: When the German-DRG-System was implemented there was some doubt whether cases with salivary gland surgery were considered properly within the system. Since the Version 2004 of the German-DRG-System significant effort was made to differenciate the structure of DRGs and the case-allocation of these operations. This study aimed to analyse the development of the German-DRG-System versions 2004 and 2008 to answer the question whether the changes within the system lead to an improvement of case-allocation.

Method: Cost-Data from 527 prospective documented cases with salivary gland surgery from 27 ENT-Departments were compared with data from the German DRG-Institute (InEK). Therefore statistical measures used by InEK were calculated within both samples.

Results: The reduction of variance of Inlier-costs improved between the versions 2004 and 2008 of the German DRG-System about 25.4%. The avarage coefficient of Cost-homogenity rised about 4.5% in the same period. Case-Mix-Index and DRG-revenues were redistributed from less extensive to very extensive operations on salivary glands e.g. complex parotidectomy. Hospitals with large numbers of extensive operations benefit from this development.

Conclusion: The appropriate Case-allocation of salivary gland surgery has been improved during the further development of the German-DRG-System Version 2008.


Franz D, Roeder N, Hörmann K, Alberty J. Die HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie im G-DRG-System. 2008 (submitted).
Franz D, Franz K, Roeder N, Hörmann K, Fischer RJ, Alberty J. Die Abbildungsqualität großer operativer Eingriffe an Kopf und Hals in den G-DRG-Systemen 2004 bis 2007. Was hat die Weiterentwicklung der Fallpauschalen gebracht? HNO. 2007;55:538–45.
Franz D, Roeder N, Hörmann K, Alberty J. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Abbildung der HNO-Heilkunde im G-DRG-System. HNO. 2006;54:179-89.