Validation of the Sino-Nasal Outcome Test 20 German Adapted Version (SNOT-20 GAV) for Measuring Quality of Life (QOL) in Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS)
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Veröffentlicht: | 22. September 2005 |
Introduction: Up to now no validated German instrument for measuring health-related QOL in patients with CRS was at disposal.
Methods: The SNOT-20 GAV is a translated and adapted version of the Sino-Nasal Outcome Test 20 (SNOT-20, Piccirillo, 2002). Beside the General Score (GS) three subscores exist in the German Version: Primary Nasal Symptoms (PNS), Secondary Rhinogenous Symptoms (SRS) and General Quality of Life (GQOL). To validate the instrument we evaluated reliability (internal consistency and test-retest-reliability), validity (content validity, discrimination validity) and sensitivity to change [Standardized Response Mean (SRM)and Effect Size (ES)].
The SNOT-20 GAV was completed by 163, 123, and 82 patients at the initial visit and at 3 months and 1 year after treatment commencement.
Results: Cronbach‘s ά was >0.7 in three out of four scores. Test-retest-scores in 38 patients were highly correlated [from 0.525 (PNS) to .876 (GQOL)]. Discrimination validity was demonstrated by a comparison with healthy controls. SRM and ES showed medium to large effects.
Conclusions: The SNOT-20 GAV is the first reliable, valid and sensitive German instrument for measuring health-related QOL in patients with CRS.