Correlation of clinical laryngoscopical examination, video-laryngo-stroboscopie and direct endoscopie of patients with morphological diseases of the larynx
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Veröffentlicht: | 22. September 2005 |
The laryngoscopies of morphological changes of the year 2003 were analysed. The examined group consisted of 112 patients ( 71 male and 41 female) between 13 and 88 years. At the man the most diseases occured between the 50th and 70th year of age. For the women there was no accumulation at any special age. As leading symptom 80% of the patients had dysphonie. Need to harrumph, dysphagie and dyspnoe were less common. With the laryngoscopie 92 morphological changes could be illustrated. A safe diagnosis in comparison to the histological result succeeded in only 52 patients. With the stroboscopie differential diagnosis were easier. The stroboscopical findings of 66 patients match the histological results. Only the direct endoscopies with sample takings and histological verification led to a safe diagnosis. In our group of patients we found 27% ( 26 men/4 women) leukoplakias/dysplasias, 20% ( 2 men/ 20 women) Reinke-oedemas, 17% ( 15 men/ 4 women) polyps of the vocal cords, 12% ( 10 men/ 3 women) carcinomas, 8% ( 7 men/ 2 women) papillomas, 5% ( 4 men/ 2 women) inflammations and 11% various findings by direct endoscopies. Altogether there was a dominance of benign diseases. The large number of ensured leukoplakias/dysplasias and carcinomas should give reason to conduct direct endoscopie since the laryngoscopie and the stroboscopie alone didn`t always in the right diagnosis.