gms | German Medical Science

15. Grazer Konferenz – Qualität der Lehre: Teaching and Learning – Expanding our Resources

28. - 30. April 2011, Wien, Österreich

The Comprehensive Test Control as the method of the maximally impartial evaluation of students' knowledge


  • corresponding author Leonid Kovalchuk - I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Maydan Voli 1, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • author Inna Sakharova - I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Maydan Voli 1, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • author Nataliya Lisnychuk - I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Maydan Voli 1, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • author Oleksandra Oleshchuk - I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Maydan Voli 1, Ternopil, Ukraine

15. Grazer Konferenz – Qualität der Lehre: Teaching and Learning – expanding our resources. Wien, Österreich, 28.-30.04.2011. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2012. Doc11grako25

doi: 10.3205/11grako25, urn:nbn:de:0183-11grako253

Veröffentlicht: 25. April 2012

© 2012 Kovalchuk et al.
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One of the most important tasks in the educational process – is to find methods which allow making objective and adequate evaluation of the student’s knowledge. Such method should have such properties:

be unified for all students (all students should be in the same situation),
have as complete content as it possible (should be included the most important questions which were studied),
have the standardized criteria of final evaluation.

Professionalism of the future doctors consists of the three main parts: theoretical knowledge, practical skills and experience. Of course for process of experience gaining are needed the years of persistent work with patients. For the control of practical abilities there are different practical examinations, which include evaluation of technical and communicative skills of students. One of the examples of such evaluation methods is objective structural clinical examination (OSCE).

The method of the theoretical knowledge evaluation in our University is the Comprehensive Test Control (Semester Test Control) which is performed after the end of the each semester. The students mark their answers on printed paper with questions, which is then scanned and decrypted using a special computer program. Into the Semester Test Control are included questions from all modules which students were studied during the semester. There is computer’s data base which consists of more than 10 000 questions from different disciplines. Each module is evaluated separately. The final mark of the module for students is formed with the help of average mark for practical classes and score for Semester Test Control (according 12-points scale). Student can retake the negative score for Semester Test Control only twice with the permission of dean: the first time - in test form, the second time - in the form of interviews with the committee, which is created by the dean of faculty.