gms | German Medical Science

15. Grazer Konferenz – Qualität der Lehre: Teaching and Learning – Expanding our Resources

28. - 30. April 2011, Wien, Österreich

Present Tendencies in the Academic Medical System


15. Grazer Konferenz – Qualität der Lehre: Teaching and Learning – expanding our resources. Wien, Österreich, 28.-30.04.2011. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2012. Doc11grako24

doi: 10.3205/11grako24, urn:nbn:de:0183-11grako241

Veröffentlicht: 25. April 2012

© 2012 Kapustnik et al.
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Nowadays, higher education is one of the determining factors of the intellectual and productive forces of society reproduction, of the development of spiritual culture of the Ukrainian people, the guarantor of the future success in consolidation and strengthening of the authority of Ukraine as a sovereign, independent, democratic, and social and law based state.

Bologne system integration is connected with high education reformation and novel directions. Kharkiv National Medical University (KhNMU) with over 4,000 students is one of the biggest universities in Ukraine that is working according to ECTS program. Permanent improvement of the methodical and technical equipment for education progress is going on. Great attention is paid to the student’s independent practice work of. Educational training center was created in the KhNMU with the purpose of increasing effectiveness of student’s independent work, working of practice skills on the phantoms, improving knowledge with educational programs and electronic library and in the same time to check the level of adopted information. Such classes as “Deontology in medicine” and “Bioethics” are discussed as at Philosophy departments as at Clinical departments.

An important feature of modern biomedical education is its close organizational and methodical association with jurisprudence and medical law. The objectives of bioethics and legal training are to identify formula and bring to students those norms of morals and law that will protect their patient and, the same time not hinder innovations in medicine. The achievement of these goals is based on a complex, interdisciplinary approach to the educational process.