gms | German Medical Science

15. Grazer Konferenz – Qualität der Lehre: Teaching and Learning – Expanding our Resources

28. - 30. April 2011, Wien, Österreich

Virtual patients/problems: from peer-to-peer-learning to key-feature assessment


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  • corresponding author Jan P. Ehlers - University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, eLearning-Consultant, Hannover, Germany

15. Grazer Konferenz – Qualität der Lehre: Teaching and Learning – expanding our resources. Wien, Österreich, 28.-30.04.2011. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2012. Doc11grako12

doi: 10.3205/11grako12, urn:nbn:de:0183-11grako120

Veröffentlicht: 25. April 2012

© 2012 Ehlers.
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By the use of virtual patients/problems (VPs, multimedia-based case-studies) students and ractitioners should be motivated to learn and research literature on their own as a mixture of constructive and cognitive-instructive element. For this purposes CASUS is used at the Veterinary University of Hannover in different settings:

VPs developed by lecturers. In basic and clinical sciences VPs were offered for voluntary use. The percentage of voluntary use is up to 72%.
VPs developed by peers. The creation of CASUS case-studies was provided as an elective course (peer-to-peer-education). The concluding evaluation indicated a high acceptability and satisfaction with regard to the content, mentoring and the design of the course.
VPs used for continuing edcuation. CASUS case studies were used to train disgnostic and ensure transfer in.
VPs used for e-assessment. First steps were taken with key-feature items to enhance the typical MCQ-exams. As a result of a pedagogical analysis VPs can be valuable part of a mix of methods. It is beneficial to establish cooperations betweenuniversities to exchange VPs and to create a shared database.