Chances and risks of using robotic assistance systems in the early neurological rehabilitation of critically ill phase-B patients – results from a qualitative analysis
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Veröffentlicht: | 24. September 2021 |
Background: Manual effort in the therapy of neurological rehabilitation is continuously increasing. Rising numbers of strokes together with a lack of personnel are challenges in neurological care. Robotic assistance systems can offer new therapeutic possibilities for patient mobilization during neurological rehabilitation. These systems enable verticalization in therapy at a early stage. This study investigates the chances and risks of robotic assistance systems in early neurological rehabilitation of critically ill phase-B patients.
Methods: In a qualitative survey, nine experts for neurological rehabilitation therapy and nursing were interviewed about robotic assistance systems. Experts were recruited at three different hospitals with neurological rehabilitation units, one of them already routinely uses a robotic assistance system for neurological rehabilitation. A categorical evaluation of the results was carried out using codes. Additionally, the processes in two of the hospitals were observed and analyzed.
Results: 171 individual codes were extracted from the nine expert interviews. Most of the comments (n=68) referred to the therapeutic and nursing area. Both positive and negative aspects were mentioned. In 61 of the answers/comments, social and ethical aspects played a prominent role. Mostly related to the reduction of workload. The observations show that the total time of therapy without robotics is 50 minutes, while treatment with robotic lasts 55 minutes. Both therapy options require a minimum of two persons.
Conclusion: This study evaluates and confirms a high potential of robot-assisted systems. The most significant added value lies in a reduction of physically demanding work. Both a positive effect on therapy outcomes and a physical relief for staff is expected from the experts. However, experts do not expect robotic systems to streamline processes or replace conventional therapy, but rather supplement it. The small sample of experts limits the study and further research with a larger sample is recommended. For the system's establishment in practice, the effect on brain stimulation should be further investigated.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
The authors declare that an ethics committee vote is not required.
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