Using Real World Data to Construct a Synthetic Control Arm – the Prediction Design
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Veröffentlicht: | 24. September 2021 |
Introduction: The gold standard for investigating the effectiveness of a new therapy – the (pragmatic) randomized controlled trial (pRCT) [1] – is costly and time-consuming [2]. At the same time, huge amounts of real world data (RWD) in analyzable format are neglected, if not often completely ignored. To overcome this shortcoming, alternative study designs with more efficient data use would be desirable.
Methods: Assume a new intervention is to be tested in a routine care setting and that large amounts of standard care patient data can be assessed (e.g. in form of claims data provided by the health care provider). The idea is now to set up a prediction model using routine care data, which is then applied to estimate the (non-observed) treatment effect of the standard therapy for patients receiving the new intervention, that is, to conduct a single-arm study with a synthetic control arm.
To investigate whether and how such a design – the prediction design – could be used to provide information on treatment effects based on existing infrastructure and data sources, we explored the assumptions under which a linear regression model could be used to predict the counterfactual of patients accurately enough to construct a test for assessing the treatment effect. This investigation was motivated by two (hypothetical) studies, which each explore the effect of a new intervention for type II diabetes patients on the Hb1c reduction. In the first example, the data used for the synthetic control arm is a fixed historical data set and the aim is to compare the effect of liraglutide to sitagliptin. The prediction model of the second example is fitted by claims data, which is collected in parallel to the single arm trial, i.e., the data is not known until analysis and hence considered random. Here, it is assumed that patients participate in a disease management program, where Hb1c reduction and other relevant variables for the prediction model are collected.
Results: Simulations were used to examine the amount of data needed for the control condition as well as for the single-arm study in order to control for (average) type I and type II errors. Depending on the amount of available control condition data and the performance of the prediction model, the sample size could be reduced compared to a conventional pRCT.
Discussion: If historical data is used for the prediction model, control of type I error cannot be formally guarantueed for each possible historical data set. To estimate the amout of “considerable” violation, the proportion of the historical data sets in the simulation for which the type I error is > 0.07 is calculated. Moreover, the average type I error and corresponding 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles are presented (compare [3]).
Conclusion: The proposed approach could be of use in specific applications. However, methodological aspects concerning type I and type II error inflation for the historical data set application and availability of specific covariates for the prediction model, especially in claims data, are challenging.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
The authors declare that an ethics committee vote is not required.
- 1.
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- 3.
- Edelmann D, Habermehl C, Schlenk RF, Benner A. Adjusting Simon's optimal two‐stage design for heterogeneous populations based on stratification or using historical controls. Biometrical Journal. 2020;62(2):311-329.