An application of propensity score methods to estimate treatment effect of corticosteroids in patients with severe cutaneous adverse reactions
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Veröffentlicht: | 2. September 2009 |
Introduction: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are severe cutaneous adverse reactions marked by high mortality. Since randomized clinical trials are hardly feasible due to their rarity, experiences with different treatments are reported from single cases or small case series which are partly contradictory. One of the aims of the EuroSCAR-study comprising a large number of cases with SJS/TEN was thus to estimate the effect of treatments on mortality. Since the patients were not randomly assigned to treatment groups, these differ not only with respect to important confounding factors but also between countries. The use of standard methods was, therefore, not very satisfactory. Alternatively, propensity score (ps) methods are proposed for such situations and assessing their applicability is the aim of the following analysis.
Methods: For the analysis of treatment data observed in the EuroSCAR-study, ps methods are applied to deal with confounding. The presentation will focus on the comparison of two treatment modalities: supportive care only (SUPP) and corticosteroids (STER).
Results: 206 French and German patients were treated either with SUPP or STER. Imbalances between the treatment groups but also between the countries can be recognized. We did not succeed in developing a ps model for the full cohort that is satisfying concerning the balance between the treatment groups. In addition, the inclusion of a variable for the country of the patient leads to a separation of the patients by country. Thus, we decided to develop ps models for each country separately and estimate the treatment effect.
Conclusions: Although several problems occurred by analysing the data, the application of ps methods was successful and provides valuable information. We could confirm findings of the original analysis. In addition, the ps methods seem to be able to better cope with complex confounding.
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