Management of HIV prevention and therapy for next generation´s medical doctors - Evaluation of a training program for medical students as high risk group in low prevalence countries like Germany
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Veröffentlicht: | 5. August 2010 |
Background: Although preparing to become important mediators in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of HIV in their home countries, international students of medicine studing in Germany as a low prevalence county are ill equiped to take up their role in the future. Curriculas seldom provide sufficiant medical knowledge and appropriate social competence. Due to their youth, migration background and as inexperienced health care workers, this group further is in itself at high risk to aquire HIV. Inappropriate knowledge on transmission pathways and risk reduction strategies might lead to interventions which will foster stigmatisation and risk transmission, while lack of medical knowledge might lead to future errors in treatment.
Methods: A structured training course was developed which aims to
- 1.
- convey validated medical knowledge about HIV
- 2.
- present adequate behavioural strategies to reduce individual risk of HIV transmission
- 3.
- sensitize on the wider social implications and the role of stigma and ethical issues in HIV/AIDS.
Results: 70 international medical students from German Universities were trained in two weekend seminars through frontal lectures, specifically desigend paper-cases, which compared individualized HIV therapy and the WHO Public Health Approach, role plays practicing pre- and post test counselling and discussion groups with PLWA. Evaluation of the seminars showed a significant increase in medical knowledge from 45% to 62%. When evaluated on a scale from 1=exellent to 6=poor, the seminars recieved an overall grade of 1,5, scoring 1,5 in respect to relevance to participants.
Conclusion: Targeted training of international medical students studing in low prevalence countries is essential to prepare them for their future role in the epidemic as much as to sensitize them to their own transmission risk.
Next steps: Targeted training is essential for medical students in low prevalence contries hence the course aims to become integral part of the medical curriculum of Frankfurt University (see Attachment 1 [Attach. 1])