gms | German Medical Science

Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA)

16.11. - 18.11.2007, Hannover

"SonoBasics", a multimedia program of the fundamentals of abdominal ultrasonography in dogs and cats.

"SonoBasics" - Lernprogramm über die Grundlagen der abdominalen Sonografie bei Hund und Katze


  • corresponding author Cordula Poulsen Nautrup - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Tieranatomie I, München, Deutschland
  • author Annette Bruder - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Tieranatomie I, München, Deutschland
  • author Verena Hocke - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Tieranatomie I, München, Deutschland
  • author Jeannette Cremer - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Tieranatomie I, München, Deutschland

Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung - GMA. Hannover, 16.-18.11.2007. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2007. Doc07gma86

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Veröffentlicht: 14. November 2007

© 2007 Poulsen Nautrup et al.
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Until now only few commercially multimedia programs have been available on abdominal sonography in dogs and cats. These veterinary programs have gained significantly less market acceptance than conventional print media.

The aim was to design a computer based program that combines the advantages of books and multimedia tools. The program should be attractive for ultrasound beginners as well as for experienced examiners.

Results: SonoBasics consists of seven CDs. The first CD describes physics of ultrasonography, ultrasound artifacts and principles of system settings. The following six CDs show ultrasonographic examinations of all abdominal organs as well as ultrasonography during gravidity. There are 1320 main pages which are structured similarly. A short concise text is accompanied by one to four images and films, covering a specific topic. About 460 films, 38 animated graphics and more than 3000 images are included, showing technical basics, anatomical topographies, animal preperations, scanning positions, and two-dimensional ultrasonographies of abdominal organs. In addition to conventional two-dimensional B-mode images some three-dimensional ultrasonographies, colour flow images and Doppler examinations of the parenchymatous vessels are included. All images and films can be enlarged to full-size screen and inspected with or without clear labelling. Accordingly, the user is encouraged to test his acquired knowledge by identifying the unlabeled structures.

The ultrasound beginner is intended to go through the program step by step. However, the more experienced examiner can move freely using a navigation bar, various text links or detailed tables of contents. The program is self-explaining. Nevertheless, the use of the program is explained in detail on each CD.

Subjective and objective evaluations of the program by verterinarian students have produced very good overall results.

The program has been designed to meet high didactic and ergonomic requirements. As a matter of fact, the recommendations of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) about software and design ergonomics have been considered.

Conclusion: The multimedia program SonoBasics has shown to be of significant value for physicians with little ultrasound experience as well as for advanced investigators. Accordingly, the market assessment of the new program indicates an acceptance similar to an ultrasound book.