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G-I-N Conference 2012

Guidelines International Network

22.08 - 25.08.2012, Berlin

Applying GRADE in existing guideline text formats

Meeting Abstract

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  • H. De Beer - CBO (a TNO company), Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • T. Kuijpers - CBO (a TNO company), Utrecht, The Netherlands

Guidelines International Network. G-I-N Conference 2012. Berlin, 22.-25.08.2012. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2012. DocO72

doi: 10.3205/12gin104, urn:nbn:de:0183-12gin1042

Veröffentlicht: 10. Juli 2012

© 2012 De Beer et al.
Dieser Artikel ist ein Open Access-Artikel und steht unter den Creative Commons Lizenzbedingungen ( Er darf vervielfältigt, verbreitet und öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden, vorausgesetzt dass Autor und Quelle genannt werden.



Background: Worldwide the number of guideline development organizations using GRADE increases. Before adopting GRADE these organizations already had formats for presenting evidence, considerations and recommendations. So these organizations face the task of incorporating GRADE in their existing guideline text formats. In the Netherlands most organizations that develop multidisciplinary guidelines have common formats. In 2011/12 a number of Dutch guideline development organizations discussed different ways of presenting evidence statements and considerations in the context of adopting GRADE methodology. GRADE itself leaves room for different ways of presenting evidence statements and considerations, as shown by several guidelines that adopted GRADE (WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines on pharmacological management of humans infected with H5N1 virus; World Allergy Organization Diagnosis and Rationale for Action against Cow's Milk Allergy Guidelines) and whose development was supported by methodologists trained in GRADE methodology.

Main goals of the workshop: To present and discuss different ways of applying GRADE in the context of existing guideline formats, in particular the sections 'evidence statements and 'from evidence to recommendation.

Target groups: Guideline developer and implementer, Developer of guideline-based products, Consumers and patients representatives

This workshop will present: -examples from International and Dutch Guidelines that applied GRADE methodology -how GRADE could be incorporated, -provide opportunities to give feedback.

We hope to stimulate the development of a best practice of applying GRADE regarding the presentation of evidence statements and considerations to be taken into account in formulating recommendations.