Incorporating evidence based guidance into German healthcare policy, system & practice – 1997 until 2012. Procedures, results, future developments
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Veröffentlicht: | 10. Juli 2012 |
Background: The concept of evidence based guidelines (EBCPGs) was introduced in Germany in 1996. Since then a variety of procedures, tools and organizational developments have been established to safeguard sustainable development and use of national EBCPGs.
Context: The presentation will give an overview on the guideline activities of the German physicians' umbrella organizations over a period of 15 years, its results, as well as on lessons learned and future developments.
Description of best practice: National Guideline Agency founded by the German Medical Self-Administration (1995). Activities of this organization: Guideline for Guidelines (1996), standards and procedures for Guideline Clearinghouse (1997), German Network for Evidence based Medicine co-founded (membership >800 in 2012), Guideline for EB Patient Information (1999), Guideline and Patient Information Clearinghouses (1999), networking with internat. EBCPG projects (starting in 1999), national consensus on standards for EBCPGs (2000), G-I-N co-founder (2002), program for multiprofessional Disease Management EBCPGs - with compulsory patient participation (2002), standards for EBCPGs based quality measures (2006), German Medical e-Library (2009), implementation projects (start in 2010).
Lessons learned:
Key points for setting up a sustainable national EBCPG system:
- 1.
- organisational CPG co-ordination,
- 2.
- national & internat. networking between health care providers, researchers, patient/public and policy makers on individual and organizational levels,
- 3.
- adaptation of international best practice procedures and tools.
Major problem to be solved in the future:
- 1.
- EBCPGs use in daily healthcare,
- 2.
- stakeholders' conflicts of interest,
- 3.
- limited resources for EBCPG development & implementation,
- 4.
- few data on cost-benefit relationship of EBCPGs.