Impact of the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC)
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Veröffentlicht: | 10. Juli 2012 |
Background: Wanting to understand the influence the National Guideline Clearinghouse (TM) (NGC) has had on guideline development, dissemination, and implementation & use, the NGC sponsor commissioned a scientifically-grounded evaluation of its flagship guideline resource.
Objectives: To evaluate how NGC: is used by different stakeholders; supports the development, implementation, and dissemination of evidence-based guidelines; and, can be improved.
Methods: An environmental scan and stakeholder input were used to develop a logic model that defined key research questions and outcomes of interest. A mixed-methods approach was used (survey, focus groups and interviews) to collect data.
Results: Awareness of NGC in 2011 was substantially higher than in 2001, however 22% of participants remained unaware. Most participants use multiple sources to find guidelines, however NGC was often cited as a 'first go-to source.' There were differences among stakeholder groups on the trustworthiness of guidelines included in NGC. Most participants think that the 5-year age criterion is too long.
Discussion: Limitations of the evaluation included: the survey sampling frame was not random; survey solicitation methods may have introduced bias; and a low response rate. Therefore, survey findings cannot be generalized to all NGC stakeholders. Additionally, the majority of focus group participants and interviewees were users of NGC. A larger sample of non-users may have produced different results.
Implications: Guideline developer participation in NGC increases chances that guidelines will be found. Advancing NGC's impact could include building the user base and spreading knowledge about trustworthy guideline development.