Influence of therapeutic program in aquatic environment on static strength, ventral dorsolumbar flexion and cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy post-menopausal women
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Veröffentlicht: | 24. Oktober 2011 |
Objective: A sedentary lifestyle and a poor physical conditioning may interfere with daily activities and with the ability to act independently in older people. Also it can increase the risk of accidents and decrease the quality of life. Among the strategies utilized to prevent neuromuscular and cardio- respiratory deterioration, physical activity is one of the most effective, especially strength conditioning and aerobic training. In this sense it has been developed a therapeutic program based on physical exercise in aquatic environment in order to analyze its effect over fitness in a population of postmenopausal women.
Material/Methods: The experimental sample was 26 women aged between 60 and 70 years (64.35±3.24). To perform the study three tests were performed. In order to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness the 6-Minute Walk Test was perform, to assess the flexibility the Sit and Reach test was used, and the static force was evaluated by manual dynamometry. The intervention had a duration of 8 weeks, with a frequency of 4 days per week with training session of 45–50min. Workouts were based on a 50%, aerobic volume capacity of (60% HRmax.), 30% strenght training and 20% flexibility.
Results: The results of this study suggest a significant improvement in cardio-respiratory function and in flexibility after the physical activity period. However, there were not significant changes in strength condition. After the detraining period, flexibility changes were maintained while aerobic improvements were lost.
Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that a physical activity program of 8 weeks in aquatic environment have significant influence on increasing dorsolumbar flexibility and cardiorespiratory fitness in postmenopausal women, but they need to continue practicing exercise to keep the improvements achieved.
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