The effect of rhythms of music on central and peripheral fatigue indices in non-athlete young females
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Veröffentlicht: | 24. Oktober 2011 |
Objective: The aim of study is the effect of different rhythms of music on central and peripheral fatigue indices in non-athlete young females.
Material/Methods: In order to do this study, 38 healthy female students randomly allocated in 3 groups include fast music group or EXP1 (N=13, M SD:22 2 years), slow music group or EXP2 (N=13,M SD:23 2 years) and control group (N=12,M SD:23 2 years). At first pretest was performed like the training condition, then training program continued for 6 weeks and two sessions per week and posttest finally performed. In each session, training program consists of pedaling on ergometer cycle was executed in a 20 watt power with 50 R.P.M, then after each minute, 10 watts was added to workload in all three groups so that they became exhausted. The experimental groups were doing the training as they listened to music by headphone. The EXP1 group listened to fast music (Allegro Assay of Mozart by the rhythm of and the speed of 180 metronomes) and The EXP2 group listened to slow music (Andante of Mozart by the rhythm of ½ and the speed of 60 metronomes) and control group received no musical intervention.
Results: Analyzing results of finger tapping test showed that there was no noticeable different in peripheral fatigue between experimental groups and control group. The results of Chart for Continual Naming of Colors test confirmed the central fatigue in control group than fast and slow music groups. Data analysis by ANOVA showed that the pretest differences between fatigue indices in three groups was not significant (P>0.05). But also post test of final workload of subjects (p=0.022), HR of exhaustion (p=0.013) and time to reach exhaustion (p=0.028) between groups were significant. The post hoc of Tukey showed that there were significant differences between experimental groups with control group in all variables (P<0.05). But there was not significant difference between experimental groups (P>0.05).
Conclusion: The final conclusion was that listening to music with training currently, delayed central and peripheral fatigue and improved sport performance.
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