gms | German Medical Science

104. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft e. V. (DOG)

21. - 24.09.2006, Berlin

Tarsoconjunctival flap in eyelid reconstruction after resection of palpebral cancer

Meeting Abstract

Suche in Medline nach

  • M. T. Le - The Eye Hospital of Hochiminh City, Medecine and Pharmacy University of Hochiminh City
  • K. T. Tran - The Eye Hospital of Hochiminh City, Medecine and Pharmacy University of Hochiminh City

Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e.V.. 104. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG). Berlin, 21.-24.09.2006. Düsseldorf, Köln: German Medical Science; 2006. Doc06dogP253

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Veröffentlicht: 18. September 2006

© 2006 Le et al.
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The objective of this article is to evaluate the outcomes of palpebral cancer treatment by making a resection under chirurgical microscope combined with using tarsoconjunctival flap for eyelid reconstruction.


From 2001 to 2003 at the eye hospital of Ho Chi Minh city, 35 cases of palperal cancer operated by making a resection under microscope combined with using tarsoconjunctival flap for eyelid reconstruction. As histopathologic results confirmed, there were only 3 kinds of palpebral cancer including basal cell carcinoma (20 cases), squamous cell carcinoma (6 cases), sebaceous cell carcinoma (9 cases). There were 4 cases of basal cell carcinoma among 11 cases situated in upper eyelid and 18 cases of basal cell carcinoma among 24 cases situated in lower eyelid. For eyelid reconstruction, two procedures under microscope were used: (1) simple tarsoconjunctival flap in 22 cases (2) complex tarsoconjunctival flap (in combination with free ear cartilage graft and periosteal flap for canthal reconstruction) in 13 cases.


With an average follow-up of 26±12 months, the results were noted as follows: good in 23 cases (both eyeglobe protecting role and esthetic aspect achieved), satisfied in 11 cases (merely eyeglobe protecting role achieved), failed in 1 case (no target achieved). The severe complications included upper lid entropion (1 case), lower lid ectropion (1 case), local relapsing (2 cases). Esthetic limitations: the height of palpebral fissure was not the same in both side (3 cases), eyelid crease was absent (7cases), palpebral excursion was restricted (4 cases).


Tarsoconjunctival flap for eyelid reconstruction after tolal resection of palpebral cancer is a suitable technique for the eye surgeon who are accustomed in palpebral structure. Microscopic surgery permited avoiding exaggerated resection of normal tissue and realizing good restauration of normal structure. The two-stage procedure shortened the operation time so that old patients can endure the operation of each stage easierly. The surgeon will be assure not to get complication of graft tissue necrosis.