Insights into predictors of visual acuity and reading performance in patients with
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Veröffentlicht: | 19. Juni 2024 |
Purpose: To assess both quantitative and qualitative retinal determinants of three different visual function tests (distance visual acuity, near visual acuity, and reading performance) in individuals with epiretinal membrane (ERM).
Methods: In this prospective observational study, a group of 57 ERM patients underwent assessment. Monocular reading performance was measured with Radner charts, yielding two variables: (i) reading acuity (logarithm of the reading acuity determination, LogRAD); (ii) maximum reading speed (words per minute, wpm). Distance visual acuity was evaluated with Snellen letters, and near visual acuity with a Jaeger eye chart (both in LogMAR units). Jaeger units were then converted to Snellen equivalents as reported on the Rosenbaum Near Vision Card. SD-OCT scans and OCT-Angiography were performed by centering on the fovea. SD-OCT images were analyzed for retinal layer thickness in the central and 4 inner subfields of the ETDRS grid. To see the contributory factors of vision performance, univariate and multivariate regression models were run.
Results: Median (interquartile range) values were 0.6 (0.3) LogRAD for reading acuity, and 110.81 (68.38) wpm for maximum reading speed; while 0.3 (0.37) for distance visual acuity and 0.6 (0.3) for near visual acuity. In multivariate regression analysis, reading acuity was associated with the thickness of the RNFL in the internal ETDRS subfield (p=0.011), of the INL in the upper internal subfield (p=0.039), and with the Govetto classification (p=0.039). Conversely, the maximum reading speed was significantly associated with the thickness of the IPL in the central subfield (p=0.002) and with the Govetto classification (p=0.001). Finally, distance visual acuity was associated with the thickness of the OPL in the central subfield (p=0.019) and with the Govetto classification (p=0.006), while near visual acuity was strongly associated with the RNFL in the internal right subfield (p=0.007).
Conclusions: Different retinal layers in specific subfields of the ETDRS grid correlate with distance visual acuity, near visual acuity, and reading performance in ERM patients. These findings suggest distinct anatomical and topographic cellular activations during these three different functional tests. Therefore, the near reading performance evaluated using the Radner Test emerges as a novel and valuable addition to traditional functional tests in the clinical assessment and timing of surgery for patients with ERM.