Change of the posterior keratometric values after cataract surgery (K)
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Veröffentlicht: | 9. Juni 2015 |
Purpose: To analyze the change of the posterior corneal curvature using Placido-dual rotating Scheimpflug (PDRS) after cataract surgery
Methods: This study was prospective cross-sectional. Corneal topography were measured with PDRS (Galilei G4, Zeimer Ophthalmic Systems, Port, Switzerland) preoperatively and 1week, 1month, 3months and 6months after temporal limbo-corneal self-sealing 2.2 mm incision cataract surgery. Differences in the keratometric values and surgically induced astigmatism were determined on the anterior, posterior, and total corneal surfaces separately, and the data were analyzed.
Results: 59 patients (68 eyes) were assessed. Patients of with-the-rule(WTR) astigmatism, against-the-rule(ATR) astigmatism, and oblique astigmatism were 14 (20.6%), 46 (67.6%), and 8 (11.8%). Surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) of anterior, posterior, total corneal surface were 0.61 ± 0.33 diopter (D), 0.20 ± 0.17 D, and 0.63 ± 0.31 D. However, there was no significant difference between preoperative and 6 months postoperative keratometric data on the anterior, posterior, and total corneal surface.
Conclusions: The temporal limbo-corneal self-sealing 2.2 mm incision cataract surgery had no significant impact on keratometric values of posterior cornea.