Dom-Osteotomie am distalen Radius
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Veröffentlicht: | 27. September 2011 |
Einleitung: In 2006 Harley and Carter presented their promising results from distal radius dome osteotomy for treatment of Madelung´s deformity. As the technique allows to adjust the malformated distal radius - not anatomically - but optimally to the deformed carpus, the question arised whether the technique could serve as an appropriate correction tool for secondary correction of complex deformities of the forearm.
Material und Methoden: In five patients, suffering from proximal radioulnar synostosis with hyperpronation of the foream (BL 3a), complex soft tissue forearm-deformity following congenital scarring (BM 8a), multiple exostoses disease (HF, 10a), posttraumatic deformity of the distal radius including shortening of the forearm (NR 14a, OeS 15a), dome shaped osteotomy of the distal radius was performed as a part of the overall concept for correction, which included other osteotomies in one case and osteodistraction with ilizarov-device in the other cases.
Ergebnisse: In all cases dome osteotomy allowed correction of axis of the distal radius in both planes to nearby normal, optimal values as a prerequisite for axial elongation of one or both forearm bones. ROM of the wrist was preserved or increased by the procedures.
Schlussfolgerung: According to Harley and Carter we could achieve excellent results using the distal dome osteotomy for correction of Madelung´s deformity, in mild and very severe cases. Moreover the dome osteotomy could proof its value in correction of complex deformities of the forearm