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GMS German Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – Burn and Hand Surgery

Deutsche Gesellschaft der Plastischen, Rekonstruktiven und Ästhetischen Chirurgen (DGPRÄC)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verbrennungsmedizin (DGV)

ISSN 2193-7052

Active cheerleading with radial nerve palsy following supracondylar humerus fracture

Cheerleading mit Radialisparese nach suprakondylärer Humerusfraktur

Case Report

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  • corresponding author Christian Herold - Sana Klinikum Hameln-Pyrmont, Hameln, Germany
  • Jörn Redeker - St. Barbara-Hospital, Duisburg, Germany
  • Karsten Knobloch - Sportpraxis, Hannover, Germany
  • Peter M. Vogt - MHH, Hannover, Germany

GMS Ger Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2013;3:Doc09

doi: 10.3205/gpras000019, urn:nbn:de:0183-gpras0000192

Veröffentlicht: 18. Oktober 2013

© 2013 Herold et al.
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Cheerleading is associated with substantial morbidity. As such, cheerleading fall-related injuries may cause serious to fatal outcomes especially falls from attempted pyramids.

We report on a female adolescent cheerleader age 14 suffering a supracondylar humerus fracture related to a fall from a pyramid. Unfortunately, lateral pinning led to complete iatrogenic radial nerve palsy. However, given an intriguing compensatory athletic function of the wrist she was able to perform cheerleading artistic figures such as flic-flac within four months after the injury with a radial nerve palsy, which is highlighted in an attached video. 18 months after the radial palsy she was admitted to our hospital and underwent neuroma resection of the initially transsected radial nerve at the elbow and sural nerve grafting for radial nerve palsy.


Cheerleading kann zu verschiedensten Unfällen führen. Insbesondere bei dem Versuch Pyramiden zu bilden sind bereits Todesfälle aufgetreten. Wir berichten von einer 14-jährigen Cheerleaderin welche bei dem Versuch eine Pyramide zu bilden stürzte und sich eine suprakondyläre Humerusfraktur zuzog. Bei der osteosynthetischen Versorgung kam es leider zu einer kompletten Durchtrennung des N. radialis. Dennoch konnte sie bei der gegebenen erstaunlichen Kompensation ihrer Handgelenksgeweglichkeit weiterhin schwierige Cheerleading Übungen wie Flick-Flack durchführen, was im beigefügten Video verdeutlicht wird. 18 Monate nach Eintreten der Radialisparese wurde sie in unserer Klinik vorstellig und es wurde nach einer Neuromresektion eine Suralis Interposition zur Nervenrekonstruktion durchgeführt.


Pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures are often associated with nerve injuries. A recent meta-analysis enrolled 5148 patients suffering 5154 supracondylar fractures with traumatic neurapraxia in 11.3% [1]. Anterior interosseus nerve injury was the dominant palsy in extension-type fractures (34.1%), while ulnar neuropathy occurred most often in flexion-type injuries (91.3%). Injuries to the radial nerve (ICD-10 S44.2) as neurapraxia occurred in 172/5148 cases (3.3%) in the pooled metaanalysis. Sir Herbert Seddon has differentiated neurapraxia leaving the nerve intact, but contused, from axonotmesis with disruption of the axon and neurotmesis with complete disruption of the nerve and the nerve sheath [2].

Notably, in the aforementioned pooled metanalysis the iatrogenic neuropathy rate with radial neuropathy following medial/lateral pinning was 4.8%.

However, to date there is no evidence regarding the sports-activity of pediatric or adolescent patients suffering radial neuropathy following supracondylar humerus fractures. We highlight a remarkable adolescent cheerleader, who presented herself with a fall hand following complete radial nerve disruption following lateral pinning for a supracondylar humerus fracture.

Case report

A 14-year-old girl was admitted to our clinic with a complete left-sided radial palsy (Figure 1 [Fig. 1]). 18 months ago she was sustained an accident while performing a human pyramid as a cheerleader and suffered from a spiral humerus fracture.

Osteosynthesis was performed with closed reduction and lateral pinning at a regional trauma center on the first day after injury. The osteosynthesis had to be redone due to dislocation. Subsequent, she reported about a complete loss of wrist and finger extension and numbness in the radial sensory region. The first neurography was performed as late as 14 months after nerve injury and an EMG showed pathological spontaneous activity of the hand and wrist extensors. The colleagues had initiated a conservative approach; however, she did not regain any radial function in that time.

As the patient is a passionate cheerleader, the radial palsy did not keep her from doing sports. She returned to sport despite her complete radial palsy four months after surgery. Wearing a small radial palsy cast she went on with her activity. Daily routine in school and leisure time was almost unchanged with a DASH score of 6 out of 100 (0 perfect, 100 worse). The Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) Outcome Measure [3] is a 30-item, self-report validated questionnaire designed to measure physical function and symptoms in patients with any or several musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb with a German translation published [4].

The patient only experienced some limitations in performing cheerleading movements that imply fine movements of the left hand with the radial palsy. Notably, she was able to perform gymnastic figures such as flick-flacks half a year after trauma with only a small radial palsy cast (Attachment 1 [Attach. 1]). As physiotherapeutic treatment did not improve the palsy significantly the treating therapist recommended seeking surgical help. As the patient was young we planed a nerve reconstruction despite the rather long time after injury (18 months after injury). Tendon transfers to improve the functional outcome had been discussed, but we decided to perform a sural nerve interposition grafting procedure.

The patient was taken to the operating theatre and after neurolysis a complete dissection of the radial nerve was found with a 1×0.8 inch neuroma at the proximal nerve stump and a massive scarring for more than 1 inch at the distal stump (Figure 2 [Fig. 2]). After resection of the neuroma a distance of 2 inches had to be bridged. An ipsilateral sural nerve graft was used as a nerve transplant; it was divided into three cables of 2 inches length each to cover the larger diameter of the radial nerve at the elbow region (Figure 3 [Fig. 3]). The postoperative course was uneventful; however, the long-term result has to be determined.


The most remarkable observation in this case presented is the high level of sport activity achieved in an adolescent cheerleader with complete iatrogenic radial nerve palsy following surgery for supracondylar humerus fracture. Given the high proprioceptive demands performing a flick-flack as demonstrated in the attached video it is surprising in our view as reconstructive surgeons that our female adolescent athlete was that perfectly adopted. Using the small wrist orthesis she was able to overcome the proprioceptive and motor deficit derived from complete surgical iatrogenic radial nerve palsy.

Cheerleading is associated with substantial morbidity. As such, cheerleading fall-related injuries may cause serious to fatal outcomes [5], [6] especially falls from attempted pyramids [7]. Besides, ankle sprains are often encountered among females from the US Military Academy [8]. A retrospective analysis from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission revealed an estimated 208,800 children age 5–18 being treated in US hospital emergency rooms for cheerleading-related injuries [9].

In terms of reconstructive nerve surgery, the type of surgery suggested depends highly on the timing of presentation following the initial injury. Within 6 months in adults and a maximum of 24 months in young children after nerve injury, the primary surgical approach is to perform a neurolysis or in case of complete disruption with neuroma formation, as in our illustrated case, neuroma resection and nerve grafting. Depending on the size and the location of the nerve defect, nerve grafting using for example sural nerve transplants is an appropriate means to achieve nerve reconstruction. Besides, neurotisation is another option directly combining a concomitant nerve to the injured one, thus minimizing the distance to restore, however, sacrificing some motor and/or sensory function of the donor nerve. As such, medial to radial nerve transfers have been recently suggested [10].

In the above mentioned patient the estimated distance of nerve regeneration is 20 inches. Assuming a regeneration velocity of 0.04 inch/day a time of almost 1.5 years has to be expected for re-neurotisation. Currently, tissue-engineering is on its way to provide some potential solutions with nerve grafts based for example on olfactory sheath cells [11]. Tendon transfers, on the other hand, provide further reconstructive options beyond the aforementioned time frame and should be considered [12], [13].


Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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