Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition from the German Society for Nutritional Medicine (DGEM) – Overview
Leitlinie Parenterale Ernährung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin e. V. (DGEM) – Überblick
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Eingereicht: | 14. Januar 2009 |
Veröffentlicht: | 18. November 2009 |
Guidelines of the German Society for Nutritional Medicine e.V. (, prepared in collaboration with the following medical associations: The German Society for Anesthaesiology und Intensive Medicine (, The German Society for Surgery (, The German Society for Paediatrics (, The German Society for Internal Medicine (, The German Society for Internal Intensive and Emergency Medicine (, The German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (, The German Diabetes Society (, The German Interdisciplinary Alliance for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (, and The Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition e.V. (
This is a revised, English-language version of Leitlinie Parenterale Ernährung der DGEM published in Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin 2007, 32 (S1) (
1 Introduction and methodology
2 Nutritional status (see ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition, Clinical Nutr. 2006;25(2):175-360;
3 Energy expenditure and energy intake
4 Amino acids
5 Carbohydrates
6 Lipid emulsions
7 Water, electrolytes, vitamins and trace elements
8 Organisation, regulations, preparation and logistics of parenteral nutrition in hospitals and homes; the role of the nutrition support team
9 Access technique and its problems in parenteral nutrition
10 Practical handling of AIO mixtures
11 Complications and monitoring
12 Ethical and legal points of view in parenteral nutrition
13 Neonatology/Paediatrics
14 Intensive medicine
15 Gastroenterology
16 Hepatology
17 Parenteral nutrition in patients with renal failure
18 Surgery and transplantation
19 Non-surgical oncology
Working group members (WG)
Adolph M3 (WG 3, 6L, 14), Arends J4 (WG 19L), Bauer K5 (WG 13), Biesalski HK6 (WG 7L), Bischoff SC7 (WG 7L, 8L, 9, 12, 15), Blumenstein I8 (WG 4), Bockenheimer-Lucius G9 (WG 12), Boehles H-J5 (WG 4, 7, 13), Bolder U10 (WG 5L), Braß P11 (WG 9), Celik I12 (WG 1), Dossett A4 (WG 19), Druml W13 (WG 14, 17L), Ebener Ch14 (WG 5, 18), Fietkau R15 (WG 19), Franken Ch16 (WG 10), Frewer A17 (WG 12), Fusch Ch18 (WG 13L), Goeters Ch19 (WG 4), Hartl W2 (WG 9, 11L), Hauner H20 (WG 5), Hausser L21 (WG 18), Heller AR22 (WG 6), Holland-Cunz S23 (WG 18), Hug MJ24 (WG 19), Jauch KW2 (C, WG 1, 9L, 5, 11, 14, 18), Jochum F25 (WG 13), Kemen M26 (WG 18), Kester L27 (WG 8), Kierdorf H28 (WG 17), Koch T22 (WG 6), Koletzko B1 (C, WG 1L, 6, 13, 15), Koller M29 (WG 1L), Kopp IB30 (WG 1), Kraehenbuehl L31 (WG 18), Krawinkel M32 (WG 13), Kreymann G33 (WG 3L, 5, 6, 14L), Krohn K1 (C, WG 6, 13), Kuse ER34 (WG 18), Laengle F35 (WG 18), Meier R36 (WG 8), Muehlebach S37 (WG 9, 10L, 13), Muehlhoefer A38 (WG 7), Mueller MJ39 (WG 3), Ockenga J40 (WG 5), Parhofer K41 (WG 11), Plauth M42 (WG 16L), Pscheidl E43 (WG 6, 9), Radziwill R44 (WG 8), Rittler P2 (WG 11), Rothaermel S45 (WG 12L), Schmid I1 (WG 19), Schregel W46 (WG 9L), Schulz R-J47 (WG 4, 15L), Schuetz T48 (WG 16), Schwab D49 (WG 8), Senkal M50 (WG 6), Shang E51 (WG 19), Stanga Z52 (WG 9L, 10), Stein J8 (WG 4L), Thul P53 (WG 8, 9), Traeger K54 (WG 5), Verwied-Jorky S1 (C, WG 1), Volk O55 (WG 9), Wehkamp K-H56 (WG 12), Weimann A57 (WG 18L), Zander AR58 (WG 19), Zuercher G59 (WG 12, 19)
C = member of the coordinating team, WG = member of the working group, L = working group leader
1Dept. Metabolic Diseases & Nutritional Medicine, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, University of Munich; 2Dept. Surgery Grosshadern, University Hospital, Munich; 3Dept. of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Medicine, Eberhard-Karl University, Tuebingen; 4Dept of Oncology and Tumour Biology, University of Freiburg; 5Dept. of Paediatrics, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University of Frankfurt; 6Institute for Biochemistry und Nutrition Science, University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim; 7Dept Nutritional Medicine and Prevention, University Stuttgart-Hohenheim; 8Dept. Internal Medicine, University of Frankfurt; 9Senckenberg Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine, University of Frankfurt; 10Dept. of Surgery, University of Regensburg; 11Dept. of Anaesthesiology and Operative Intensive Medicine, University of Cologne; 12Institute for Theoretical Surgery, Philipps University Hospital, Marburg; 13Clinical Dept. of Nephrology and Dialysis, University of Vienna, Austria; 14Dept. of General, Visceral and Children's Surgery, Heinrich-Heine-University of Dusseldorf; 15Depts. Paediatric Surgery and Radiation Therapy, University of Rostock; 16Central Pharmacy, University of Dusseldorf; 17Dept. of History, Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine, Medical University Hannover; 18Dept. of Pediatrics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada; 19Dept of Anaesthesiology and Operative Intensive Medicine, University of Munster; 20Else-Kroener-Fresenius Centre for Nutritional Medicine, Technical University of Munich; 21Dept. of General and Visceral Surgery, Augsburg; 22Dept. of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, University of Dresden; 23Dept. of Paediatric Surgery, University of Tuebingen; 24Pharmacy, University Hospital Freiburg; 25Dept. of Paediatrics, Spandau Hospital, Berlin; 26Dept. Surgery, Lutheran Hospital Herne; 27Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Medical University of Hannover; 28Dept. Nephrology, Braunschweig; 29Centre for Clinical Studies, University of Regensburg; 30Institute for Theoretical Surgery, Philipps University of Marburg; 31Dept. of Surgery, Canton Hospital Fribourg, Switzerland; 32Institute for Nutritional Science and Centre for Paediatrics, University of Giessen; 33Baxter S.A., Schaffhausenerstr., Zurich, Switzerland; 34Central Clinic for Anaesthetics, Operative Intensive Medicine and Pain Therapy, Hospital of Salzgitter; 35Dept. General Surgery, University of Vienna, Austria; 36Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Basel, Switzerland; 37CSO Vifor Pharma Ag, Villars-sur-Glâne, Switzerland; 38Dept. of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology, St. Catharine's Hospital, Stuttgart; 39Institute for Human Nutrition and Food Science, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel; 40Medical Clinic II, Hospital Bremen Centre; 41Dept. Medicine II, University of Munich; 42Dept. of Internal Medicine, Municipal Clinic Dessau; 43Dept. of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Medicine and Special Pain Therapy, Landshut; 44Pharmacy und Patient Advice Centre, Clinic Fulda; 45Institute for Biological, Health and Medical Law, University of Augsburg; 46Dept. of Anaesthetics, St. Joseph's Hospital Krefeld-Uerdingen; 47Clinic for Geriatrics, St. Marien-Hospital, Cologne; 48Medical Department, Division of Gastroenterologie, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin; 49Dept. Medicine II, Martha-Maria Hospital, Nuremberg; 50Dept. Surgery I, St. Mary's Hospital Witten; 51Dept Surgery, University Hospital of Mannheim; 52Polyclinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Clinical Nutrition, Clinic for General Internal Medicine, University of Berne, Switzerland; 53Dept. of General, Visceral, Vascular and Thorax Surgery, Humboldt University of Berlin; 54Dept. of Anaesthesiology, University of Ulm; 55Dept. of Internal Medicine I/Cardiology, Krefeld; 56University for Applied Science, Hamburg; 57Dept. of General und Visceral Surgery, St. George's Hospital, Leipzig; 58Dept. of Oncology and Haematology, University of Hamburg; 59Dept. of Internal Medicine I, University of Freiburg.