Preauricular cysta treatment
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Veröffentlicht: | 26. April 2017 |
Introduction: Some people are born with a small dimple right in front of the ear, where the arch of the ear lobe inserts into the face. This is a remnant of a cyst that used to exist in front of our ears before we were born. In the majority of the people, this cyst completely obliterates before birth. In select people, the cyst never goes away and the sac as well as the connecting duct to the outside of the skin persists. They are known by a variety of names, such as"helical fistula" and "preauricular fistula.", "sinus preauricularis congenita," "branchial fistula in the external ear," or "fistula auris congenita,".
Abstract: A congenital pit or sinus involving the ascending limb of the helix of the ear or the preauricular region is of little importance unless it gives rise to an offensive discharge or forms a retention cyst.
Method: Our patient B.B. 24 years old, presented in our clinic with complain of tow small preauricular, no dolor masses in the left ear, with diameter 6mm-10mm. No discharge were ever from them, but esthetic purpose pushed the patient to resolve this problem. After the general blood test and an ultrasonografia of the preauricular cyst, we opted for surgery. Under local anesthesia, using the diatermocautery, we took off the cysts, and closed the defect.
Results: The surgical treatment is often the treatment of choice. In rare cases we could only observe the preauricular cyst, but sometimes could choose the medical treatment(oral antibiotics) in first case, if we have pus discharge. It is seen a better self-esteem was seen after complete removement of cysta. Usually portion of the cyst that is underneath the skin is also lined with normal skin tissues.
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