G-I-N Conference 2012
Guidelines International Network
22.08 - 25.08.2012, Berlin
Oral Presentations
Knowledge Translation: Patient-oriented interventions
Meeting Abstract
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Using clinical practice guidelines to develop decision aids in mental health: A conceptual framework
Dirmaier J, Tlach L, Härter M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Patient Decision Aid (PDA) for Prostate Cancer: integrating individual patient´s preferences in clinical decision-making
Izquierdo F, Gracia J, Guerra M, Díaz del Campo P, Blasco JA[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Decision aids process to produce a guideline for a heterogeneous population with multiple disabilities: the case of the homeless
Beauchamp S, Mercier C, Duplantie JP[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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This is no decision aid. It makes decision difficult.' An evidence based lay information on prostate cancer screening: The gap between methods and needs
Schaefer C, Follmann M, Kopp I, Ollenschlaeger G[Full Text]