G-I-N Conference 2012
Guidelines International Network
22.08 - 25.08.2012, Berlin
Oral Presentations
Knowledge Translation: Practitioner-oriented interventions
Meeting Abstract
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Guideline adherence in the Netherlands: a systematic review
Mistiaen P, Bloemendal E, Jan Willem W, Mirjam H[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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PLUGGED-IN (Providing Likeable and Understandable Guidelines using GRADE in the EMR with Direct links to INdividual patient data) phase 1
Brandt L, Vandvik PO[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Point-of-care decision support as a vehicle for guideline dissemination: Best Practice case study
Brunnhuber K, Nherera L, Bharatan S[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Impact of guideline dissemination strategies among chiropractors enlisted in a Provider Network in the United States: Interrupted time series with segmented regression analysis
Bussieres A, Grimshaw J, Ramsay T, Sales A, Hilles S[Full Text]