G-I-N Conference 2012
Guidelines International Network
22.08 - 25.08.2012, Berlin
Oral Presentations
Patient involvement
Meeting Abstract
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Consumer and Patient Engagement in Developing Clinical Guideline Support Tools
Ramaya K, Davino-Ramaya C, Haynes J, Fenton A, Cowing M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Decision Aid Cards linked to recommendations in GRADE guidelines to improve shared decision making in clinical consultations
Lie OH, Kristiansen A, Brandt L, Heen AF, Alonso-Coello P, Akl E, Spencer F, Neumann I, Guyatt G, Vandvik PO[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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How to develop a quality patient version guideline: the experience from a National Clinical Practice Guideline for Sleep Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
Díaz Del Campo P, Gracia J, Izquierdo F, Guerra M, Nieto B, Blasco JA[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Added value of end-users and patients involvement in a GRADEing world: insights from a case study
Pinsonneault L, Fournier M, Déry V[Full Text]