gms | German Medical Science

German Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (DKOU 2024)

22. - 25.10.2024, Berlin

AB12 Herausforderungen gelenknaher Tumorchirurgie

Meeting Abstract (AB12-3295)

Could a modular uncemented hollow stem that can be designed according to the remaining bone stock be a good opportunity to protect the adjacent joint?

Öztürk R, Streitbürger A, Hardes J, Guder W, Podleska LE, Nottrott M, Engel NM
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Meeting Abstract (AB12-2982)

Extended curettage, bone grafting and spanning external fixation for the treatment of giant cell tumor of bone around the knee

Refaat Ahmed A, Mohamed N, Mohamed Y, Radwan Salem I
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Meeting Abstract (AB12-3302)

Funktionelles Outcome und Wiederaufnahme sportlicher Aktivitäten nach weiter Tumorresektion primär maligner Knochentumore und megaprothetischer Rekonstruktion des distalen Femurs oder der proximalen Tibia

Westphal LM, Theil C, Gosheger G, Ellerbrock M, Deventer N, Schneider KN
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Meeting Abstract (AB12-3362)

Indications and clinical outcome in patients with soft-tissue sarcoma receiving prosthetic replacement after tumor resection

Engel NM, Streitbürger A, Hardes J, Guder W, Podleska LE, Nottrott M, Öztürk R
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Meeting Abstract (AB12-2928)

Patientenindividuelles Vorgehen bei diffusem tenosynovialem Riesenzelltumor des Knies – nicht alle müssen offen reseziert werden

Wermke A, Künzel M, Steger D, Kleber C, Hepp P, Osterhoff G
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Meeting Abstract (AB12-2107)

Raised metal-ion concentrations after tumor resections and reconstruction with megaprotheses around the knee joint

Dürr HR, Hett M, Klein A, Rakete S, Holzapfel B, Lahr C
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