German Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (DKOU 2021)
26. - 29.10.2021, Berlin
AB17 Grundlagenforschung: Arthrose
Meeting Abstract
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Heparan-sulfate deficiency in cartilage: enhanced proteoglycan production and an anti-apoptotic expression signature after loading
Gerstner M, Severmann AC, Vortkamp A, Richter W[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Architecture of cartilage-bone marrow microchannel connectors (CMMC) is correlated to physiological biomechanical loading of the joint
Taheri S, Yoshida T, Böker KO, Jochim L, Flux AL, Großkopf B, Lehmann W, Schilling A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Endogenous adenosine exhibits anti-inflammatory effects in mixed synoviocytes of arthritic patients
Sohn R, Junker M, Meurer A, Zaucke F, Straub RH, Jenei-Lanzl Z[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Bone Sparing and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of the Calcitonin Receptor in Collagen Antibody-Induced Arthritis
Maleitzke T, Hildebrandt A, Dietrich T, Weber J, Duda GN, Perka C, Tsitsilonis S, Keller J[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Cleavage of cartilage extracellular matrix proteins by osteoarthritis-relevant matrix metalloproteases
Wagner N, Imhof T, Koch M, Jenei-Lanzl Z, Meurer A, Zaucke F[Full Text]