67th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
Joint Meeting with the Korean Neurosurgical Society (KNS)
German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
12 - 15 June 2016, Frankfurt am Main
Vorträge Montag, 13. Juni 2016
MO.03 Neuroonkologie 1: Resektion und Lebensqualität
Meeting Abstract
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Do extent of resection and methods of surgery have an impact on quality of life? A prospective multicenter analysis of 139 high-grade glioma patients in outpatient setting
Nickel K, Renovanz M, Nadji-Ohl M, Giese A, Wirtz CR, Coburger J[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Does type of recurrence therapy have an impact on quality of life? A prospective multicenter analysis of 110 high-grade glioma patients in outpatient setting
Stöckelmaier L, Renovanz M, Hickmann A, Giese A, Wirtz CR, Coburger J[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Effects on neuropsychological outcome and quality of life in glioma patients with respect to WHO grading II and III
Behm T, Frank C, Rohde V[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Extent of surgical resection and quality of life in patients with glioblastoma multiforme
Ahmadipour Y, Gembruch O, Pierscianek D, Müller O, Sure U, El Hindy N[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Asking the right questions: Identifying suicidal ideation in patients with intracranial tumors
Hickmann AK, Nadji-Ohl M, Hopf NJ, Ganslandt O, Keric N, Renovanz M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Postoperative psychooncological screening of neurosurgical patients – identifying risk factors increasing pyschooncological distress
Hoffmann K, Kamp M, Schipman S, Sabel M, Wiewrodt D, Rapp M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Neuropsychological performance before and after awake surgery: Evaluation of comprehensive intraoperative testing
Hütter BO, Wrede KH, El Hindy N, Dammann P, Müller O, Sure U[Full Text]